Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday.., ahh i'm a day late again!!!

Well this week I'm late due to a sinus cold,which is taking forever to go away.
I am so thankful for so much each and every day that sometimes it is hard to write down what i am most thankful for..,
I am so very thankful for the life i have been given,to be able to wake up knowing I am not alone.
I am thankful for my two wonderful,loving and caring children, with whom are my entire world.
I am thankful for my two beautiful sisters and my amazing brother.
I am thankful for the blossoming relationship with my mom.
I am thankful for my home church and all my wonderful family that I miss so very much each and everyday.
I am so very thankful for the simple things in life!!!
I leave you all with this

Monday, November 16, 2009

I finally got the courage..,

After a long break from church i finally had the courage to go back.It wasn't because I didn't want to.It was because I moved away from my home church,from what was familiar and was and always will be family.As i got ready yesterday i wanted to not go but there was like a pull telling me to go.So i went and was i glad i did as it was my pastor's last Sunday here before returning home.I had been feeling lost, cranky and was missing something.Now i know what i was missing.I never realized what a big part my beliefs play in my life until now. I don't know why sometimes we think we can do better on our own without God.I certainly can't I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and it is all in god's timing.Why with the things that have happened in my life lately the good an bad I know i just need to trust in him.For no harm will come. i leave you with
Phillipians 4:11-13
I want to learn to be content in whatever circumstances I am in.Whether I am abased or in abundance,whether I am filled or hungry,I want to learn the secret of being content in any and situation.
I can do all things through Him who strenghtens me.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

tell me why??

My Parents!!!!

Someone wise once told me that you can't pick your parents.How does one overcome ones parents.For me growing up I didn't have the normal two parent home,i had four.My Dad left my mom just two weeks before my 13th birthday.It wasn't till that summer that the truth came out and it had devasting effects.The trust i had for someone who was my bestfriend was shattered.I have forgiven but i can't and oh i wish i could.I went to live with my Dad when i was 16 due to certain circumstances only to be asked to move out when i was 17 and pregnant.I pretty much have been alone without my parents that is. I was 15 when my brother and sister were born they are not twins but are 27 days apaart.I was 21 when my baby sister was born.As I have gotten older i have realized that my parents only did the best that they could for they were young when they had me.With my Dad realizing this doesn't help with the void i feel and i'm left with why don't you love me? Why haven't you been there?Why don't you want to know your grandchildren? All these questions come by honestly as my Dad is sick!I'm left to wonder if I will ever get the answers to the questions I'm asking.When can i come home and see you?
With my mom i know that her life has been anything but easy!She works fulltime and takes care of my brother who is terminally ill,and at the end of the day doesn't have much time for anything else.I know that when i went to move in with my dad i hurt her.It is something she never forgave me for and it shows in our relationship for she wasn't there either.She wasn't there when my children were born and has missed out on so much. I have questions for her to. Is why didn't you love me unconditionally like a mom is suppossed to? Why weren't you there?Why did it take me moving back for us to build our bond?However with my mom we now live in the same town again and we are slowly reparing our realionship.
My dad is doing as good as he can.I pray everyday for his forgiveness and not a day goes by that i don't think of him.My mom has me worried I only pray that right now she is overwhelmed and is forgetting things and buying as a cause of that and not somewthing more swerious.I feel that at the present time I am losing both my parents and brother all at the same time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Wow am I tired I went to post my post and i forgot to post what i posted!!!Silly me!!!Well i sit here every week and really put a lot of thought into what I am thankful for.This week im thankful for so many different things.
I am thankful for the better developing relationship with my mom.Not too many of you know but I was so angry with my mom when my dad left us.I know I was 12 but i blames her and i never should have.Then the truth came out and the anger shifted.Over the years we have both hurt each other so much to thep point that i never thought there would be forgiveness.
I am so very thankful for modern medicine as without it my clinical depression would not be getting better with each and everyday.I am thankful for my wonderful doctor who explained why i have to take my medication.I do not produce the chemical seritonin which is outr bodies happy drug.Like a diebetic i need to take it to have my body work right.So for that I thank you!
I am thankful for my children's health!
I am thankful for wonderful friends who through thick and thin will always be there.
I am thankful for my job when in today's world so many people don't have one.
I am thankful for the love,and gifts from our heavenly father!!
I leave with this
Colossians3:16," Let the words of Christ,in all their riches,live in your hearts and make you wise.Use his words to teachand counsel each other.Sing psalms and hymns andspiritual songs to God with thankful hearts"

Thankful thursday!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Honesty shouldn't be so hard to have.Honestly i would rather know than not.Believe me it is always better to confess than let the person find out on their own or through other means.It takes alot of someone to admit when they have done something wrong through dishonesty and a weak person to not to.Whatever the reason all can be forgiven.But you have to forgive yourself first.I know this all too well.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Is something that i value as a very important trait and i have failed at times and have hurt people that meant so very much to me!I am often told that im too nice,too trusting and naive.That in itself has gotten me into trouble.When did being a nice person bring so much heartache inot ones life?Why do people look at that as a weakness and not a strength?I am often told to grow a backbone and really look at people in a different light.However i can't as i still want to believe in the good of every person no matter what!!!I strongly believe that it isn't for me to judge anyone,only our heavenly father can judge.I also pride myself on honesty and being a good person something i have never walked away from and yet again i find it is something that people take advantage of.Why i don't know.As my life has taken so many twists and turns lately I never know what to expect anymore.I do know that no matter what it is god's plan and everything is for a reason!!!Blessings

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thankful thursday!!!! My Riches!!!!

When I sit and think about my riches are i know right away.
My Two important riches to me are my two children that God gave me to watch over and guide.I can only hope that I have not disappointed our father.I know that being physically healthy is one of my riches as my brother is 22 and has Ducehenne's Muscular Dystrophy.His whole time here with us has been nothing but suffering,hospitals and doctors.However hard it has been on him he always smiles and laughs and inspires me everyday to just be!! Although time will only tell when my illness(fanconi anemia)will change.Until then..,
My other Riches include my family who is scattered everywhere.I believe that the biggest riches we all have if we so choose is the love,guidance,patience,and forgiveness we receive from our heavenly father.Blessings!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It snowed!!! Ok but it was only a dusting!!!

Well i know it is only autumn but i love snow!!!I love how it makes everything so bright and pretty!!I love going for walks,making snow angels and having snowball fights!I hope it snows so very much i'm looking forward to a very white christmas!!!And yes i said it our christmas season is falling upon us.Blessings!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Thankful thursday!!!

Well for me living in Canada I am coming into our Thanksgiving weekend and this year it is going to be quite different.First of all I am going to be cooking it but having it at my mom's. I haven't been home for thanksgiving in 5 years so it is extra special to me as it is one more holiday that we have with my brother.Over the past two weeks it has been very interesting.My son got sick then gave it to me and for some reason i ended up with bronchitis and i can tell you one thing does my chest ever hurt to breath.Then i discover my bank card has been stolen and lost everything in my bank account.Then i drop my blow dryer on my foot and break one of my toes and yes this hurts so very much.We also celebrated my son's 15th birthday over the weekend which i wish had been a whole lot better but there is next year!!!
I have said it before and i will say it again,I believe we do not need one day earmarked for giving thanks as it should be an everyday occurrence!!
This week I am most thankful for family!
I am thankful for the best friends i could ever ask for!
I am thankful for the rest my family is allowing me to have and all the help they are giving me(who would have thought a broken toe could slow you down so much)
I am thankful for the love ,grace that god has given me!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Loving this song!!!!!

Is it really that time already? How awesome is that!!!!

This week I thought I would start off with one of my favorite Scriptures!!
The hour has come for me to wake up from sleep,for my salvation is nearer now than when I first believed.The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.Therefore I will cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Romans 13:11-12

As usual I have alot to be thankful for but the one thing I most thankful for is tha patience that God has given me in the situation of dealing with my son's schooling.My son will be atrtinf school finally even though it is only on a part time bases it is still better than not going at all.So off to school tomorrow!!!
I am thankful to be living in the same city as my family again,and for the first while I would call my Mom and my stepdad would say you know you can come visit now instead of calling
I am so very thankful that my daughter has chosen to go back to school to better herself.
I am also so very thankful that she is slowly starting to come around and realizing that I only did what i thought was best for her and her brother.
I am so very thankful that I no longer feel that I have no say in my life and that I am realizing that I am a survivor!!!
I am so very very thankful for the new washer and dryer that my roomate purchased for our house no more laundrymats!!!
I am so very thankful that I can believe in love again.
I am so very thankful for the wonderful sunny day we are going to have!!!
I am so very thankful for the many friends i have who love me for me!!!
Blessings everyone!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!!

Well I can honestly say that it has been a very interesting couple of days.I have gone back to work as a home care aide and am loving it.Still waiting to see if my son has a school to go to as of yet.
This week I am so thankful for my wonderful friends,who are there even when i want to shut the world out.
I am thankful that my daughter,son and my someone special were able to all celebrate my brother's birthday together something i haven't done since he was 1 and he is now 22.
I am thankful to have been able to turn my job situation around when i was let go for no reason at all..,hmm wonder what it was?
I am thankful that fall is coming,cause that means snow!!!Everyweek I have so much to be thankful for but recently my son's behaviour is something i am so thankful for!!!He helps everyone and anyone.One day we were shopping and he held the door open for an elderly lady and smiled and she smiled back and on our way home he said you know mom i proably made her day.That one simple gesture of kindeness still sits with me!!Children are wonderful!!Blessings everyone!!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Oops life has kept me ..,

Life has been very unpredictable lately in so many ways.The first i was let go of my new job as an office manager for no reason at all.Which for me is even harder to understand as i don't like unanswered questions.All i can say is with that job it taught me a lot about people and how too trusting can actually be a bad thing.The second trying to get my son registered for school as been a very interesting task as schoool starts on wednesday and ths school in our area may or may not have a spot for him.We find out on wednesday though.Back on the job front though I have gone back into my field as a home care nurse and have already gained employment,back to work wednesday!!!My daughter is doing amazing she just went back to school and is working full time too,couldn't be prouder.After having so many struggles with my son in school i am so proud of him and it was nice to hear that he wants to go back to school.The other day was my brother's 22nd birthday and for those of you who know me it is another milestone for him and being there to celebrate with our family was awesome!!!So as i strive for balance and structure in our new life at times it can be hard and lonely and at times i feel a little lost but at the end of the day i couldn't be happier!! Blessings Everyone!!!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Wow It is Thursday!!!!!

The past two weeks have been very interesting for me.After alot of sorrow came alot of happiness.I now have a new job as office manager at a courier company and i couldn't be happier.Over the long weekedn my cousin whom i hadn't seen in 20 years came to visit.It was really weird seeing him again cause the last time we saw each other we were the children and now we have children of our own.Along with the happiness though came sadness as my Dad is making plans for one last hunting trip with my uncle and within that trip he is saying goodbye to friends and loved ones.Not too sure how i feel or how i should be feeling!
However no matter how rough things get in my life I know that God will never leave my side,for it is with his grace that i get by everyday.
I am thankful for my family,
I am thankful for my friends,
I am thankful for the lovely sunny weather we have been having.
I am thankful to have seen my cousin again,20 years was too long.
I am thankful for the wonderful opportunity i have been given when it comes to my new job.
I am thankful for modern medicine as i have strep throat and to those of you who have never had it.., it really hurts!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!!

I am a person with strong faith and belive all things happen for a reason but lately my faith is being tested in ways I never thought possible.I believe in the power of prayer even though i have a quiet voice and prefer to pray in the privacy of my own home.Lately trying to believe in all things happen for a reason and it is not in my control has become a struggle.With the death of a very close family friend and im left wondering why? God why? Why do you take away people who mean so much to us,who have left imprints on our hearts forever?I know seasons!!!I know that my past couple of posts have been sad and i apologize for that it is just where I am right now.So friday im off to say goodbye to a great person with whom has left foot prints on my heart forever.
I am thankful for God's grace even when I am angry with him
I am thankful for the best family I could ever ask for!
I am thankful for the wonderful friends I have who even in my darkest hours are there!
I am thankful for the wonderful opportunites I have been givin!
I am thankful for my two wonderful children that i have been givin to watch over,guide,love.
I am thankful for my children's love each and everyday even on days when i know i've let them down.
I am so very thankful for the wonderful people who offer scripture,understanding and heartfelt words of encouragement within the Thankful Thursday group. Blessings!!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ups and downs!!!

Wow who would have thought that life would hold soo many ups and downs,well not me!!I always wondered what it would be like to be an adult when i was growing up.I never thought being a grownup would be this hard but at the same time i wouldn't change a thing.If it wasn't for everything i have been through and done I wouldn't be who I am now.I believe that your life experiences shape who you become.I don't believe that your mistakes or your past shape who you are.As you have the control and the choice to either rise above or not to.

I know it is an older song.., but so true to how im feeling

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!!!!

Hi Everyone..,hmm must say that the theme for this week is a real tough one for me as I am going through a divorce.So for me I am going to go off topic.I hope you all understand.This week my faith has really been tested I have suffered a loss and can't seem to wrap my head around it.I know that all things happen for a reason and that God is in control but is it really alright for me to be angry with God?So i thought i would put it in writing why I am thankful for God!
I am thankful for his unconditional love
I am thankful for his gift of life,
I am thankful for the truth within his word,
I am thankful for the many gifts he has givin me,
I am thankful for his forgiveness,
I am thankful for his patience,understanding!! Blessings

Thursday, July 02, 2009

oops a second post,i didn't check out the theme first!!

I am very thankful for the freedom we have each and everyday.Without the freedom we have each and everyday of our lives there is soo much we wouldn't be able to do.But i believe we must remember where our freedom comes from and how we still hvae it.Yes I am talking about all the wars that have been fought over time,going back to the very first war and the war going on today.When i think of freedom I think of all the soliders who have losat their lives for one simple word that means so much.I think of their loved ones whoin a blink of an eye are left to rebuild thier lives.I am so thankful for the men ansd women who put their lives on the line each and everyday for my freedom.

It is that time of week again..thankful thursday!!!

Well i woke up this morning feeling really sick,which i am to the sun shining so i am thinking it really can't be all that bad.I mean i woke up didn't i.So needless to say not much is going to get done today unless napping counts.I have alot of reasons to be thankful but lately I keep thinking how thankful i am that i beautiful friends who love me and understand me.However there are 4 very dear friends that i have that without them my days and nights would not be so bright.They have seen me at my best and my worst and never once have judged me,they love me believe in me and are there for me.And they know the feelings are in return.They know no matter what i will be there for them on any given day.As i sit and write this it doesn't matter whether we are in the same town or not a day doesn't go by where i think hm wonder what they are doing,would like this,would they do this?Life can be hard as we all know but having them in my life makes it that much easier.
Im not going into a post of other things im thankful for this week as this is what is on my heart today when i think of what im most thankful for this week.

Dear friends,we should love each other,because love comes from God.Everyone who loves has becomes God child and knows God.Whoever does not love does not know God,because God is love. 1 John 4:7-8

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

one of my fav!!!

All moved!!!

Our move went well considering all that was said and done.Jord and i now reside in Prince George and we couldn't be happier.It has been a week and a half since the move and Jord has already made friends.I too have made friends.The biggest plus to moving back is being near my baby brother who many of you know is terminally ill with duchenne's muscular dystrophy!This September he will be 22!!!Will i go back and visit Terrace this I'm not sure,but i have alot of great friends there who i miss dearly but know i will always be in touch.With moving I will be blogging alot more to keep everyone updated.Blessings everyone!!!

I look up to the hills,but where does my help come from?My help comes from the Lord,who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:1-2

So we can be sure when we say,"I will not be afraid,because the Lord is my helper.People can'e do anything to me."Jesus Christ is the same yesterday,today,and forever. Hebrews 13:6,8.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

To my dad,Happy Father's day!!!!!

this is the last song i danced to with my dad..,for you dad!I love you so much more than you will ever know!!!

Aww Thankful Thurday!!!

Giving thanks is something I believe more people in today's society shouls remember.I mean we always ask our children did you say thankyou,so why should it be any different just because we are adults.In the workplace for instance how many of you feel better hearing a thankyou than you did a good job. A thankyou has more meaning to me!

I am so very thankful for new beginnings!
I am so thankful for finding a wonderful house!
I am so very thankful in gaining full time employment in a new city and in an economic crunch!
I am so thankful for the support,love and understanding from my family!
I am so thankful for my wonderful friends who no matter what are there!
I am so thankful for god's love each and everyday,for on the days when i feel so alone I know i am not.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I can so relate the words in this song!!!!

Thankful thursday,,oops a day late again.

Yes i remembered to post unfortunatly i remembered a day late!!
So on to my favorite post
I am thankful for my wonderful friends,who without im sure i would be lost!
I am thankful for my beautiful family who no matter what support and love me.
I am thankful for my mom who has taught me the importance of honesty no matter what consequences arise.
I am thankful for the many blessings that have come into life,some short lived,some long lived.
I am thankful that no matter what may come into my life,nothing could be possible without god's grace,forgiveness,love.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Life is fun and adventerous!!

Tha past month has taught me so much of what is important and that is family, in life you lose friends,gain friends,have good health then in the blink of an eye you don't.You can have a job that you love only to wake up and no longer have it.With each and every trail and tribulation that you face without your family can be a very lonely experience.I know this all to well.when i made the decision to move back to where half my family is I will admit I was scared but not as much if they werent there. We all come to a point in our lives where we must choose what we value the most and for me that is family.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


life is complicated.... but it's getting better with each day.

so for many of you that don't know, bill and i are no longer together... and it is now just jordan and i.

God is wanting me to include Him... to not lose faith that i am... to not feel so alone...

i am starting a new chapter in life... whether i want to or not... whether i am ready or not.

please, nobody judge me, i don't need it.... and if you have to, i don't want to know. i don't want to walk into a room and have everybody be quiet because... i walked into the room. if you have any questions or have anything to say just say it to me... not behind me. please remember jordan, and samm.

*a righteous man falls seven times (completely, totally, utterly...), and he gets up back up.*

*the Lord's mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness!*

Friday, March 13, 2009

Ahh im a day late!!!

Im a day late seems to be normal latley.., for me anyways.So a brief update not much to say other than school and work and home are moving along.
One more thing what is up with the snow no compliaints here lovin it!!!
So now on to my post!!!
I am thankful for new beginnings,chances and memories.
I am thankful for modern medicine,
I am thankful for knowing who my real friends are,
I am thankful for employment in a time when so many others don't have any,
I am thankful for my daughter's safe return to and from pg to pick up the rest of her stuff for her new place.
I am thankful for all the extra time i have been givin to spend with my son while still working full time.
I am thankful for my family who mean more than words can express.

Lord,You have said,"Come to Me,all you who labor and are heavy laden,and i will give you rest.Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,for I am gentle and humble in heart,and you will find rest for your souls.For My yoke is easy,and My burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday!!! Giving thanks

Good morning everyone!!!
I am thankful for the Lord's presence in my life and knowing that no matter what my thoughts and fears are he listens.
I am thankful for friends who try to understand when they don't quite understand either.
I am thankful for the love and support Jord and i are recieving.
I am thankful for the love and understanding jord and i have for each other.
I an thankful for the sun that we are enjoying,even in all of this trying time. Blessings till next week!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Ok so this is life!!!

Well today has been a very interesting day as I am here to say that my marriage is over.Am I shocked and hurt well of course.Being angry and not talking about things as brought us to this place.I have been working full time now and helping my friends with their baby so I was told that I am never home and that bill felt that I don't love him anymore,i don't wear my rings anymore because of excema,that he feels like we are nothing but roomates so in the end he told me to leave and to take jord with me. so now as it stands jord and i are left to start over as there is no going back.We also do not have our house keys therefore are legally not able to go back into our house until the courts step in.So where do we go from here?Not sure???

Thursday, February 12, 2009

the veronica's untouched!!!! Love this song and these girls are awesome

Life..,or so called life!!!

Well it has been a very busy week!!I must admit I wasn't looking all that forward to my birthday yesterday,but seeing how i couldn't just crawl under the covers and go back to sleep i got up.Within an hour I didn't feel any better.I got up and got ready for work,then had to pick up my friend,lets just say hmm!!!So i am on my way to work and the whole time im thinking not gonna cry not gonna,well i didn't win that battle.So i get to work and start my day.Still a bit sad till a friend yep that's right a friend did something so simple but with so much thought made my day.
Later on my boss comes in and brought flowers and balloons for my birthday, so unexpected but so thoughtful.All in all it ended up being a great day!!!

Well it is been one week and we are back again with Thankful Thursday!!!!!!
I soo very much love posting everything that I am thankful for,although I am a firm believer in giving thanks each and everyday.
I am very thankful for all the wonderful birthday wishes i recieved yesterday!!
I am thankful for the beautiful flowers and ballons i recieved from work yesterday
I am very thankful for a wonderful friend who really understood what i didn't want and wanted for my birthday!!yepp the thought!!!
I am thankful for the beautiful flowers and ballons i recieved from work yesterday.
With every year it always snows on my birthday and for that in itself I am thankful,I will remember you always.
I am very thankful for the little things in life.., that mean so much.
I am thankful for my family..,who reflect who I am.
I am very thankful that this year my brother will be 22 years old,for those who don't know my brother is terminally ill with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy.
I am thankful that he has taught me to live each and every day as there may not be a tomorrow.
I am thankful for the wonderful friends in my life who love me for me. Blessings till next week!!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

To you forever!!!!

It has been five long years now and I miss you more each and every day.I only wish i had the chance to say goodbye but that was how you wanted it.You were more concerned in protecting us than anything else and i have not been able to forgive myself since that awful day. I know you would be saying that wasn't true but i never thought in a million ways i would never see your smile or hear your laugh again.I will remember everything about you,your love for chocolate and pop even though you weren't suppossed to have it.Your love for basketball and video games and how much you loved golf i could never understand that.But i will most of all miss you for kind hearted ways. Seeing how sarah was one of your favorite artists,this is for you. With love always.

Thankful Thursday!!!

Hi there my favorite post i know it is a day early but for some it isn't.
Lacking time is something i am dealing with so i am a day early!!!

So I shall begin by saying I am very thankful that my grade point average for my classes is 3.8.
I am very thankful for the understanding ways that my son jord is showing while i am working full time again.
I am very thankful for the positive changes i have seen in my son when it comes to school.(long time coming).
I am very thankful for my great friends i have even though we don't always see eye to eye.
I am very thankful for my great family who make me realize each and every day the importance of family.
I am very thankful that my mom shows my brother and i unconditonal love and support everyday.
I am very thankful in having being taught that money doesn't buy happiness.
I am very thankful in knowing that everything happens in time.
I am very thankful in knowing and believing that the lord will not give me more than i can handle.

Busy Busy!!!

Wow i can not believe how busy life has kept me. With working full time,school,jord,his schooling and everyday things around the house being done I can't say I even have time to get sick but low and behold i just got over the awful stomach flu and I didn't even have time to take sick days or rest so i made due.I would work and go home and just lay down in between things.Just when i thought maybe i had gotten rid of it jord got it.Only now am i starting to feel better.But enought about that.I can not believe the weird weather we are having,waking up it is like hmm what will we get today? Rain or snow?I am excited and sad all at the same time,my baby girl is going to be 19 on the 23rd,im excited as she will be 19,but sad as she won't be home for her birthday.Unfortunatly finances and work don't permit going to see her which makes me sad.I am also sad as i now work sundays 7to3 and for the time being can't make church.For cell it is the same thing so far as it stands i work 3to11 on tuesdays.I love my job however i didn't think it would take me away from so many things that are very important to me.However it doesn't change or take away from my beliefs or my faith.Fortunatly i have alot of patience!!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Sometimes it is just the way I feel!!!! No more tears I promise

Love is...,

" Love is patient;love is kind and envies no one.
Love is never boastful,nor conceited,nor rude;
never selfish,not quick to take offense.
There is nothing love cannot face;
there is no limit to its faith, its hope,and enduracnce.
In a word,there are three things that last forever; faith ,hope,and love; but the
greatest of them all is love."

When it Hurts!!!!

Hi Everyone,
First and foremost hope everyone had a great time during the holidays!! Our holidays were very quiet.With Samm in P.G. it only left the three of us.It was great to have snow for christmas,although I am loving the snow we have now!! Gotta say it love the snow yep hmm hmm i do. We had a samll christams dinner and although i thought i bought a small turkey ended up with alot of leftovers. Bill came home for the holidays.I got a visitor called bronchitis and am almost over it.However all is good.Jord is back at school,Bill back in camp and for myself back to work and school.
My Grandmother always told me to have patience,to live laugh and love.The most important thing she taught me was to always always respect others.To always give back more than you recieve,as giving meas so much more.Now I loved my grandmother for all the things she taught me but most importantly for the love that shone through her.It is times like these that I miss her soo much.For she is everything I wish I could be,she was patient,loving,caring.The one thing I admire her for is being such a strong independent woman.You see my grandma and grandpa were divorced and she took care of 5 children.
With all of these things that she taught me then why does it hurt soo much when I consider everyone's feelings and help without anything in return that somehow I end up being the one hurting.I don't understand how some people feel that it is okay to make everyone else consider their feelings when they don't seem to care about yours or anyone else's.I mean when is enough enough???How much more can one person take??When repeating yourself over and over doesn't help,what more can you do?? Do you say enough and cut your losses?,or do you keep trying?