Sunday, October 18, 2009


Is something that i value as a very important trait and i have failed at times and have hurt people that meant so very much to me!I am often told that im too nice,too trusting and naive.That in itself has gotten me into trouble.When did being a nice person bring so much heartache inot ones life?Why do people look at that as a weakness and not a strength?I am often told to grow a backbone and really look at people in a different light.However i can't as i still want to believe in the good of every person no matter what!!!I strongly believe that it isn't for me to judge anyone,only our heavenly father can judge.I also pride myself on honesty and being a good person something i have never walked away from and yet again i find it is something that people take advantage of.Why i don't know.As my life has taken so many twists and turns lately I never know what to expect anymore.I do know that no matter what it is god's plan and everything is for a reason!!!Blessings

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