"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow." ~ Anonymous
Friday, December 29, 2006
Happy New Years Everyone!!!!
The kids come home tommorrow and I can hardly wait.Okay I know they have been gone for only 8 days,thank goodness I have been working,but it has gone by fast on some days.Slow on other days.I can not believe just how much people spend on Christmas.The kids and I will be doing Christmas on New Years Day as I have that day off.I was listening to a c.d. and this song came on,so i looked it up and found this video.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
I often wonder.....,,,,
I often wonder how we don't realize how strong we can be,when the time is needed.I believe finding one own's strength is very important.However our own strength comes fromleaning on the Lord,yes without him..., what would our lives honestly be?I know I am always the first one to point out the neagative,well not anymore.Why? You might ask,it is simple I am no longer going to play into the enemies hands.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This will be my last post for a while.Like everyone else Christmas is just about here and I never thought I would be so busy,but I am. Which is great.I can not believe how much I am working for just starting,but I love it.I also have other plans that have been confirmed for tommorrow and xmas and I am so excited.I can honestly say I thought i would be all bummed out this year but I am not.My health is holding out with working soo much and I am so thankful.Well I must go for now.
Friday, December 22, 2006
I will get through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well Bill has left for Sask as of Tuesday.Samm and Jordan leave on friday the 22nd for 8 days.I never thought that I would be missing Bill already and soo much.I t is going to seem like forver till July.Thank God I am working tommorrow night and I don't get home till 11 o'clock.I can honestly say I love working at Walmart,everyone is great,friendly and helpful.Walmart is also very into family orientented which I love.I keep telling myself if I stay busy tommorrow it won't be soo bad..ok who am I kidding.So a funny thing happened last night as we were putting up our xmas tree,we took it out of the box and started to put it together when we realized the middle of our tree is missing so was part of the stand.So before they get home i will try to find the pieces.Well tommorrow I have all day before work to find them.I have a question,how do ward off unwanted affection without hurting the person? Anybody have any great advice?It would be really appreciated.Well must run as it is way past my bedtime.If I don't see alot of you have a great Christmas,I would have told everyone at church but with it being christmas eve I work from 10to6:30.Trying to get it off though....blessings
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Love of Jesus
Christmas is almost here. This is the birthday of our Lord Jesus. It’ s time to celebrate His birth once again. However, for many people Christmas is a time of hustle and bustle, shopping malls, exhaustion and huge VISA bills. Not only this, it’s a time when family members gather together often from far away to cook and clean and visit. This in itself often causes much stress and anxiety, due to the sometimes strained relationships that exist in certain families. It’ s also a time where those who have lost loved ones or have broken relationships and divided families reflect on their failures and spend much time in sorrow and grief.
Where is Jesus in this? This is supposed to be a day and a season of great celebration and joy. After all, this is the day Jesus, God the Father’ s gift to the world, was born. This gift was given so that we could be reunited with our Heavenly Father in Heaven through Jesus’ death and resurrection. So, if you want to enter in to this Christmas rejoicing and full of peace, take the time to prepare. Don’t wake up Christmas morning scrambling to remember Jesus in the midst of all the chaos. Spend time now in prayer and meditation on the birth of our Savior. Also, at Christmas time, remember Jesus together with your loved ones. Perhaps you could read the Christmas story from the Bible. Or, take turns sharing the blessings the Lord has given you this past year. Offer some of your gifts to the poor. This could be time, money or material possessions.
May you truly be the light of the world this Christmas season. Shine your light, even in the difficult moments. Let others, especially those near to you, see Christ through your actions and words. God bless you, and have a very merry Christmas.
The Love of Jesus
Christmas is almost here. This is the birthday of our Lord Jesus. It’ s time to celebrate His birth once again. However, for many people Christmas is a time of hustle and bustle, shopping malls, exhaustion and huge VISA bills. Not only this, it’s a time when family members gather together often from far away to cook and clean and visit. This in itself often causes much stress and anxiety, due to the sometimes strained relationships that exist in certain families. It’ s also a time where those who have lost loved ones or have broken relationships and divided families reflect on their failures and spend much time in sorrow and grief.
Where is Jesus in this? This is supposed to be a day and a season of great celebration and joy. After all, this is the day Jesus, God the Father’ s gift to the world, was born. This gift was given so that we could be reunited with our Heavenly Father in Heaven through Jesus’ death and resurrection. So, if you want to enter in to this Christmas rejoicing and full of peace, take the time to prepare. Don’t wake up Christmas morning scrambling to remember Jesus in the midst of all the chaos. Spend time now in prayer and meditation on the birth of our Savior. Also, at Christmas time, remember Jesus together with your loved ones. Perhaps you could read the Christmas story from the Bible. Or, take turns sharing the blessings the Lord has given you this past year. Offer some of your gifts to the poor. This could be time, money or material possessions.
May you truly be the light of the world this Christmas season. Shine your light, even in the difficult moments. Let others, especially those near to you, see Christ through your actions and words. God bless you, and have a very merry Christmas.
Speaking The Truth
Speaking the Truth in Love The Lord wants us to speak the truth in love. Sometimes we can find ourselves in situations where people need to hear the truth of God's word, but no one is speaking or reaching out to them. Prayer is important, but it is also important to not keep silence when our words can touch someone, lead them to repentance and the transformation that only a relationship with Jesus Christ can bring.
I have found myself in this situation recently with two different people. I don't want to go into details for the sake of privacy, but it involved my sensing the leading of the Spirit to speak of word of truth into situations of compromise and sin, in love. Both times my words were received with openness and a sense of wanting to grow. I know that I appreciate it when people speak the word of the Lord to me in any given area, even though at the time it may be challenging to hear.
I belive the church, in many ways, has become too soft in dealing with sin, whether the sin is one of commission or ommision. We should not be just like the world in our thoughts, words and actions: No, we should reflect the mind of Christ and the Heart of God in all things and at all times. This applies to our thoughts, which should be pure, holy and life-giving, our words, which should be truthful and building up of others, and our actions, which should reflect a Christian life, especially love and mercy.
When we tolerate sin in our lives we cut ourselves off from the anointing, the joy, the power and the work that God wants to do in and through us. We can become so selfish that we fail to help others in their spiritual lives, and we lose the desire to evangelize. Jesus said, "the truth will set you free." This is true of ourselves and others. We need to hear the truth, not partial truth, but the fullness of the truth. One example is that many Christian men, and women, for that matter, have been led astray by false teaching on sexual issues by even prominent preachers, saying that self-gratification is morally acceptable, when Scripture clearly condemns it as sinful (See www.settingcaptivesfree.com)
Where is the Lord calling you at this time to repent? Where have you compromised with your relationship with Christ? If you find an area, repent with all your heart, turn 180 degrees around, and start walking the way Jesus wants you to. Anything less is a recipe for spiritual disaster. Remember that the Lord wants to speak His truth to others through you, but He wants you to be a pure vessel, untainted by the putrid water of deadly sin.
Pete Mason
I have found myself in this situation recently with two different people. I don't want to go into details for the sake of privacy, but it involved my sensing the leading of the Spirit to speak of word of truth into situations of compromise and sin, in love. Both times my words were received with openness and a sense of wanting to grow. I know that I appreciate it when people speak the word of the Lord to me in any given area, even though at the time it may be challenging to hear.
I belive the church, in many ways, has become too soft in dealing with sin, whether the sin is one of commission or ommision. We should not be just like the world in our thoughts, words and actions: No, we should reflect the mind of Christ and the Heart of God in all things and at all times. This applies to our thoughts, which should be pure, holy and life-giving, our words, which should be truthful and building up of others, and our actions, which should reflect a Christian life, especially love and mercy.
When we tolerate sin in our lives we cut ourselves off from the anointing, the joy, the power and the work that God wants to do in and through us. We can become so selfish that we fail to help others in their spiritual lives, and we lose the desire to evangelize. Jesus said, "the truth will set you free." This is true of ourselves and others. We need to hear the truth, not partial truth, but the fullness of the truth. One example is that many Christian men, and women, for that matter, have been led astray by false teaching on sexual issues by even prominent preachers, saying that self-gratification is morally acceptable, when Scripture clearly condemns it as sinful (See www.settingcaptivesfree.com)
Where is the Lord calling you at this time to repent? Where have you compromised with your relationship with Christ? If you find an area, repent with all your heart, turn 180 degrees around, and start walking the way Jesus wants you to. Anything less is a recipe for spiritual disaster. Remember that the Lord wants to speak His truth to others through you, but He wants you to be a pure vessel, untainted by the putrid water of deadly sin.
Pete Mason
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Stole from Jenny's blog
2. WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING ?baby blue pj bottoms
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO NOW? :playlist #1 on media player
5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?carrot cake yummy
10. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT POSTED THIS? Stole it from Jenny and yes
11. HOW ARE YOU TODAY?Feeling great...but tired
13. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? white zinfadel
14.FAVORITE SPORT?volleyball
15. HAIR COLOR?dark brown with red and blonde highlights
16. EYE COLOR? hazel but they change colors with my mood
18. SIBLINGS AND AGES? Darren(19),Cheryl(19) no they are not twins and Joyce(13)
20. FAVORITE FOOD? Mexican
22. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR?firstday of autumn
23. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? yes but i'm happily married so i wouldn't
24. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS BETTER? Neither...I like open endings
25. SUMMER OR WINTER? neither i love autumn hands down
26. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs i'm a hugger
27. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE-NIGHT STANDS? relationship of course,never had a white night stand
32. WHAT BOOK(S)ARE YOU READING? Boundaries and the davinci code for the 2nd time
33.WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? my mouse and winnie the pooh
34. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Scene It(friend's edition
35. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? helped my hubby pack for Sask for 7 months
36. FAVORITE SMELLS? vanilla and when i clean the house-the cleaners
38. HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT? wanted three but i am very happy with two
40. FIRST DAUGHTER? already have
41. WHERE DO YOU WORK? Walmart
42. FAVORITE PIZZA: hawaiian
43. IF YOU WON A MILLION DOLLARS WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST? I wouldn't buy first i would donate some to the Muscular Dystrophy association
44. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: too many to name just one
2. WHAT COLOR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING ?baby blue pj bottoms
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO NOW? :playlist #1 on media player
5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?carrot cake yummy
10. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT POSTED THIS? Stole it from Jenny and yes
11. HOW ARE YOU TODAY?Feeling great...but tired
13. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? white zinfadel
14.FAVORITE SPORT?volleyball
15. HAIR COLOR?dark brown with red and blonde highlights
16. EYE COLOR? hazel but they change colors with my mood
18. SIBLINGS AND AGES? Darren(19),Cheryl(19) no they are not twins and Joyce(13)
20. FAVORITE FOOD? Mexican
22. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR?firstday of autumn
23. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? yes but i'm happily married so i wouldn't
24. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS BETTER? Neither...I like open endings
25. SUMMER OR WINTER? neither i love autumn hands down
26. HUGS OR KISSES? hugs i'm a hugger
27. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE-NIGHT STANDS? relationship of course,never had a white night stand
32. WHAT BOOK(S)ARE YOU READING? Boundaries and the davinci code for the 2nd time
33.WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? my mouse and winnie the pooh
34. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Scene It(friend's edition
35. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? helped my hubby pack for Sask for 7 months
36. FAVORITE SMELLS? vanilla and when i clean the house-the cleaners
38. HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT? wanted three but i am very happy with two
40. FIRST DAUGHTER? already have
41. WHERE DO YOU WORK? Walmart
42. FAVORITE PIZZA: hawaiian
43. IF YOU WON A MILLION DOLLARS WHAT WOULD YOU BUY FIRST? I wouldn't buy first i would donate some to the Muscular Dystrophy association
44. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE: too many to name just one
Rain rain go away,come again another day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well due to the weather Bill's plane never came in today,so he will be leaving tommorrow morning.Wow talk about busy at work,it is so busy at work we are lucky if we get our breaks.I also can not understand why people get so grumpy around this time of year.It makes me wonder if anyone still remembers the true meaning of xmas.One lady even told me that if she didn't get her son a snowboard,an mp3 player and a season pass that he would get mad.Now to me that child who is 12 doesn't know the meaning of xmas,which makes me sad.Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year. Blessings to everyone.Please keep Bill in your thoughts and prayers while he is away from home
Monday, December 18, 2006
Gotta love the poem...,
Well we went to the airport today and Bill is grounded till tommorrow,as it was snowing here.The plane never left Vancouver.So tommorrow we will try again.I knew this day would come but i never expected it to be soo hard.I know it is not forever but he is going to be so far away. Well work is going awesome and I just love it there.Can not believe it is just over a week to xmas.It is going to be one of my quietest years ever as I will be home with just the cats,oh well such is life.
A passage from the Bible
I want to learn to be content in whatever circumstances I am in.
Wether I am abases or in abundance,wheter I am filled or hungry,I want to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
The Night Before Christmas
T'was the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house, Made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney, With presents to give, And to see just who, In this home did live.
I looked all about, A strange sight I did see, No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree.
No stocking by the mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures, Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought, Came through my mind.
For this house was different, It was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping, Silent, alone, Curled up on the floor, In this one bedroom home.
The face was so gentle, The room in such disorder, Not how I pictured, A Canadian soldier.
Was this the hero, Of whom I'd just read?, Curled up on a poncho, The floor for a bed?
I realized the families, That I saw this night, Owed their lives to these soldiers, Who were willing to fight.
Soon round the world, The children would play, And grownups would celebrate, A bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, Each month of the year, Because of the soldiers, Like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder, How many lay alone, On a cold Christmas eve, In a land far from home.
The very thought brought, A tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees, And started to cry.
The soldier awakened, And I heard a rough voice, "Santa, don't cry, This life is my choice.
I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more, My life is my god, My country, my corps."
The soldier rolled over, And drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, So silent and still, And we both shivered, From the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave, On that cold, dark night, This guardian of honour, So willing to fight.
Then the soldier rolled over, With a voice, soft and pure, Whispered, "carry on Santa, It's Christmas day, all is secure."
One look at my watch, And I knew he was right, "Merry Christmas my friend, And to all a good night."
This poem was written by a Canadian
Soldier stationed overseas.
The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.
Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our Canadian service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
Hope people are reading our blog as noone comments anymore.
Blessings everyone
A passage from the Bible
I want to learn to be content in whatever circumstances I am in.
Wether I am abases or in abundance,wheter I am filled or hungry,I want to learn the secret of being content in any and every situation.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
The Night Before Christmas
T'was the night before Christmas, He lived all alone, In a one bedroom house, Made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney, With presents to give, And to see just who, In this home did live.
I looked all about, A strange sight I did see, No tinsel, no presents, Not even a tree.
No stocking by the mantle, Just boots filled with sand, On the wall hung pictures, Of far distant lands.
With medals and badges, Awards of all kinds, A sober thought, Came through my mind.
For this house was different, It was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, Once I could see clearly.
The soldier lay sleeping, Silent, alone, Curled up on the floor, In this one bedroom home.
The face was so gentle, The room in such disorder, Not how I pictured, A Canadian soldier.
Was this the hero, Of whom I'd just read?, Curled up on a poncho, The floor for a bed?
I realized the families, That I saw this night, Owed their lives to these soldiers, Who were willing to fight.
Soon round the world, The children would play, And grownups would celebrate, A bright Christmas day.
They all enjoyed freedom, Each month of the year, Because of the soldiers, Like the one lying here.
I couldn't help wonder, How many lay alone, On a cold Christmas eve, In a land far from home.
The very thought brought, A tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees, And started to cry.
The soldier awakened, And I heard a rough voice, "Santa, don't cry, This life is my choice.
I fight for freedom, I don't ask for more, My life is my god, My country, my corps."
The soldier rolled over, And drifted to sleep, I couldn't control it, I continued to weep.
I kept watch for hours, So silent and still, And we both shivered, From the cold night's chill.
I didn't want to leave, On that cold, dark night, This guardian of honour, So willing to fight.
Then the soldier rolled over, With a voice, soft and pure, Whispered, "carry on Santa, It's Christmas day, all is secure."
One look at my watch, And I knew he was right, "Merry Christmas my friend, And to all a good night."
This poem was written by a Canadian
Soldier stationed overseas.
The following is his request. I think it is reasonable.
Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our Canadian service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.
Hope people are reading our blog as noone comments anymore.
Blessings everyone
Friday, December 15, 2006
Well we have come to our last weekend together!!!!
So it has come down to our last weekend together for 6 months.Another storm for our home in Port Alberni this time causing Jordan's Dad the lose of everything.The apartment building lost it's roof and he was on the top floor.Wow I can not believe how many people complain about the lineups at work.I also can not belive how rude customers can be. We try our hardest to make everyone happy and make our lineups go fast with no thanks in return.Someone went off on me tonight and the other person on the till across from me thought i was going to cry or lose it.When I did neither he was so shocked.This is suppossed to be a happy season,not a grumpy one.Oh well Kill then with Kindness.It amazes me how people forget the meaning of xmas.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Have you ever wondered what your purpose in life is???I have and still wonder at times.As we come into the next chapter of our lives,I wonder what God has planned for us in the middle of all this.I know that he doesn't give more than we can handle,but sometimes I wonder why??I am sitting here wondering how do you tell someone that you don't want them to go,when they believe that this is something one must do.I wish I could just tell Bill not to go,however I feel I can't.Then sometimes I wonder if is he waiting for me to say I don't want him to go.With his departure in a week and his plane ticket bought how can i tell him now?I know he knows I don't want him to go.Now his sister and brother(Winnipeg) are already saying that we should move there.Not sure how I feel about that one at all.On the other hand maybe it is just nerves.(lol)Yes I am still trying to see the light within this.I just have to have faith,which I do.
A couple of favorite passages
We live by what we believe,not by what we can see. 2Corinthians 5:7
These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure.This purity of faith is worth more than gold,which can be proved to be pure by fire but will ruin.But the purity of your faith will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is shown to you. You have not seen Christ,but you still love him.You cannot see him now,but you believe in him.So you are filled with a joy that cannot be explained,a joy full of glory.And you are recieving the goal of your faith-the salvationof your souls.1 Peter 1:7-9
A couple of favorite passages
We live by what we believe,not by what we can see. 2Corinthians 5:7
These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure.This purity of faith is worth more than gold,which can be proved to be pure by fire but will ruin.But the purity of your faith will bring praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is shown to you. You have not seen Christ,but you still love him.You cannot see him now,but you believe in him.So you are filled with a joy that cannot be explained,a joy full of glory.And you are recieving the goal of your faith-the salvationof your souls.1 Peter 1:7-9
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Friday, December 08, 2006
Well It is official...,
Bill leaves for Sask on Dec 18th.Work for me is going great long hours but that is all good.So we have a week and a bit with Bill home.He will be gone until July.I am a bit scared but i know everything will be fine.I don't think i ever prayed as much as i have in the last little while in such a long time,however We as a family put our faith in the lord and as hard as it has been, I must say that things are slowly turning around.Well I must say this now so as not to offend everyone at church,when I am at work I can not put anyone through my till,Walmart's policy. I hope everyone understands.Blessings everyone.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Well tommorrow is the day
Tommorrow we find out at 5am.m if Bill is headed to Sask,or camp.So we are coming down to the last few days we will have with him.If he goes to Sask,we won't see him till July.If it is camp then we will see him every 3 weeks.Everything at work is going great so far and i just love the snow.Wishing that the weather would change from rain to snow.I know call me crazy.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Welcome to Walmart!!!!
Just a short post to say that the next time you see me I will be working at Walmart as of Monday Dec 4th,thanks to someone special and dear to me. Gotta go play in the snow!!!!!!!!!!!I am adding to my earlier post,Bill will be here for at least another week.So that everything can be arranged and we can make the transition of my new job and him leaving for 6 months easier on samm and jord.I can say one thing I never thought I would be married and feel like a single mom at the same time. However sometimes we do what we have to do.In this case that is exactly what we are doing.He will be in Smiley,which apparently is a very small community and communting to nearby Kindersley for work.The way it looks we will both have a white xmas.Well I can cross my fingers lol!!!!!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Gotta Love the Snow!!!!!!
I never realized the power of faith before until tonight,that's right tonight.I know all too well about sacrifice and how life just doesn't seem to be fair or has no guarantees.Now i thought about this post long and hard and what I wanted to say.Even with the rough summer and fall behind us,some good has come out of all the rough times.Seperation can be one of the hardest things a couple,family may have to face and I yes once again I find us coming to a seperation ,no not a bad seperation this time but one involving work,a sister,a kind and gentle heart and a whole province away. Bill will be leaving this weekend for Kindersley,Sask to work and take care of his sister as she recovers from knee surgery.(till June).You may wonder what brought us to this and I must say honestly a passion to do God's work.Now alot of you may have been surprised and/or shocked when Bill gave up Denny's,however I wasn't. I knew deep inside my heart that the passion for cooking is still there but it's different now almost renewed.How you might ask,i'm not sure but I feel it and I see it and I feel the power of faith within my husband. During one of the hardest times of his carreer he has not forgotten where his passion for cooking came from or how easy it is for me to fall.I couldn't have asked for a more supportive husband than these last few months.I must say I have grown alot within the word,with looking beyond all the negative things that we as a family have faced.We have all loved and lost,rejoiced in new life,sacrificied things we wanted,learned and have grown,changed jobs,overcame illness,watched our home being destroyed by winds, rain,and floods. Yet here we are still a family all held together with the faith deep in our hearts that things will get better.So Blessings everyone and have a fun and safe GGT,due to circumstances we will not be attending.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I love these kind of posts,thanks lynne
1. How old will you be in five years? 39
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? My hubby and Jordan
3. How tall are you?5"3"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next eight weeks? xmas,snow and more snow
5. What’s the last movie you saw? Just Friends
6. Who is the last person you called?Terri
7. Who was the last person to call you? Terri
18. Where is your favorite place to be? Terri's or home
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? in water
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?Paris.
21. Where do you think you will be in ten years? somewhere
22. Do you tan or burn?burn
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?: monster in the basement
24. What was the last thing that made you laugh? playing a board game with my kids
25. How many televisions do you have in your house? 2 one for gaming
26. How big is your bed?a queen
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? desktop
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with of course i have kids!!!!
29. What color are your sheets? beige
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
31. What is your favorite season?autumn
32. What do you like about fall?i love it
33. What do you like about winter? the snow,making snowangels
34. What do you like about the summer?the ocean
35.What do you like about spring? spring is doring
36. How many states have you lived in? non
37. What cities/towns have you lived in?4
38. Do you prefer bare feet, socks, or shoes? bare feet 24-7
39. Are you a social person? when i have to be
40. What was the last thing you ate?wedgies with jord
41. What is your favorite restaurant? whitespot
42. What is your favorite ice cream?chocolate chip mint
43. What is your favorite dessert? strawberry cheesecake
44. What is your favorite kind of soup? homemade turkey soup that my hubby makes
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your peanut butter and jelly? strawberry
46. Do you like Chinese food? if it's good stuff.
47. Do you like coffee? nope
48. How many glasses of water do you drink a day? 8 to 10
49. What do you drink in the morning? milk or water
50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? alone,if sick but i love it when my kids come in and snuggle with my hubby and i
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? left hand or allover
52. Do you know how to play poker?nope.
53. Do you like to cuddle? with my hubby and kids
54. Have you ever been to Canada? um yes
55. Do you have an addictive personality?yes i do i'm addicted to cleaning
56. Do you eat out or at home more often? home more often
57. Do you know anyone w/the same birthday as you? yep Jennifer Anniston okay i don't know her.
58. Do you have a crush?no although terri thinks i have a crush on cleaning
59. Do you want kids? have 2
60. Do you speak any other languages?maybe
61. Have you ever gotten stitches? yup - on my thumb,my knee,below my left eye
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yes
63. Do you prefer a pool or an ocean?ocean
64. Do you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat? window,of course
65. Do you know how to drive stick? yep that's what i prefer to drive
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? chips
67. Do you wear any jewelry all the time? yes,earrings,neclace and medical alert
68. What is your favorite TV show?friends,7th heavan all Csi's
69. Can you roll your tongue?no
70. Who is the funniest person you know?Jay
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes only winnie the pooh
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?regular and S.OS on my cell
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? maybe
74. What red object is closest to you right now? my swirly notepad
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? no even thought i know i should
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? closed i have cats
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? neither i'm allergic to bees
78. Do you flirt a lot?only when called for lol
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? sweetnsour
80. What is your favorite food?lasagne
81. Can you change the oil on a car?yes
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? no
83. Have you ever run out of gas? no
84. What is your usual bedtime? whenever i feel my day is done
85. What was the last book you read?Chicken Soup for the Chritstian Woman's Soul
86. Do you read the newspaper? when i feel like it
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Chatelaine
88. Best comedian? Dane Cook
89. Do you watch soap operas? sometimes if i do it is Y&R,Days
90. Do you dance in the car? sometimes to the beat
91. What radio station did you last listen to?103.5
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? my kids
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? A phone number
94. What is your favorite candle scent? peach.
95. What is your favorite board game? friends game
96. Where do you attend church? The Rock
97. When was the last time you attended church? a week ago sunday
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Mrs Faulkner.
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? 2 weeks
100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? when terri gave me my winnie the pooh out of the machine
1. How old will you be in five years? 39
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? My hubby and Jordan
3. How tall are you?5"3"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next eight weeks? xmas,snow and more snow
5. What’s the last movie you saw? Just Friends
6. Who is the last person you called?Terri
7. Who was the last person to call you? Terri
18. Where is your favorite place to be? Terri's or home
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? in water
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?Paris.
21. Where do you think you will be in ten years? somewhere
22. Do you tan or burn?burn
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?: monster in the basement
24. What was the last thing that made you laugh? playing a board game with my kids
25. How many televisions do you have in your house? 2 one for gaming
26. How big is your bed?a queen
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? desktop
28. Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with of course i have kids!!!!
29. What color are your sheets? beige
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
31. What is your favorite season?autumn
32. What do you like about fall?i love it
33. What do you like about winter? the snow,making snowangels
34. What do you like about the summer?the ocean
35.What do you like about spring? spring is doring
36. How many states have you lived in? non
37. What cities/towns have you lived in?4
38. Do you prefer bare feet, socks, or shoes? bare feet 24-7
39. Are you a social person? when i have to be
40. What was the last thing you ate?wedgies with jord
41. What is your favorite restaurant? whitespot
42. What is your favorite ice cream?chocolate chip mint
43. What is your favorite dessert? strawberry cheesecake
44. What is your favorite kind of soup? homemade turkey soup that my hubby makes
45. What kind of jelly do you like on your peanut butter and jelly? strawberry
46. Do you like Chinese food? if it's good stuff.
47. Do you like coffee? nope
48. How many glasses of water do you drink a day? 8 to 10
49. What do you drink in the morning? milk or water
50. Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? alone,if sick but i love it when my kids come in and snuggle with my hubby and i
51. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? left hand or allover
52. Do you know how to play poker?nope.
53. Do you like to cuddle? with my hubby and kids
54. Have you ever been to Canada? um yes
55. Do you have an addictive personality?yes i do i'm addicted to cleaning
56. Do you eat out or at home more often? home more often
57. Do you know anyone w/the same birthday as you? yep Jennifer Anniston okay i don't know her.
58. Do you have a crush?no although terri thinks i have a crush on cleaning
59. Do you want kids? have 2
60. Do you speak any other languages?maybe
61. Have you ever gotten stitches? yup - on my thumb,my knee,below my left eye
62. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? yes
63. Do you prefer a pool or an ocean?ocean
64. Do you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat? window,of course
65. Do you know how to drive stick? yep that's what i prefer to drive
66. What is your favorite thing to spend money on? chips
67. Do you wear any jewelry all the time? yes,earrings,neclace and medical alert
68. What is your favorite TV show?friends,7th heavan all Csi's
69. Can you roll your tongue?no
70. Who is the funniest person you know?Jay
71. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes only winnie the pooh
72. What is the main ring tone on your phone?regular and S.OS on my cell
73. Do you still have clothes from when you were little? maybe
74. What red object is closest to you right now? my swirly notepad
75. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? no even thought i know i should
76. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? closed i have cats
77. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? neither i'm allergic to bees
78. Do you flirt a lot?only when called for lol
79. What do you dip a chicken nugget in? sweetnsour
80. What is your favorite food?lasagne
81. Can you change the oil on a car?yes
82. Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? no
83. Have you ever run out of gas? no
84. What is your usual bedtime? whenever i feel my day is done
85. What was the last book you read?Chicken Soup for the Chritstian Woman's Soul
86. Do you read the newspaper? when i feel like it
87. Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Chatelaine
88. Best comedian? Dane Cook
89. Do you watch soap operas? sometimes if i do it is Y&R,Days
90. Do you dance in the car? sometimes to the beat
91. What radio station did you last listen to?103.5
92. Who is in the picture frame closest to you? my kids
93. What was the last note you scribbled on a piece of paper? A phone number
94. What is your favorite candle scent? peach.
95. What is your favorite board game? friends game
96. Where do you attend church? The Rock
97. When was the last time you attended church? a week ago sunday
98. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Mrs Faulkner.
99. What is the longest you have ever camped out in a tent? 2 weeks
100. Who was the last person to do something extra special for you? when terri gave me my winnie the pooh out of the machine
True meaning,,,,
As we help our Children make our Christmas Tree Ornaments teach them also their True meaning.
The STAR: A heavenly signs of prophecy fulfilled long, long ago- The shining hope of mankind.
The Color RED: The first color of Christmas, symbolizing that Savior’s sacrifice for all.
The Fir TREE: Evergreen- the second color of Christmas shows everlasting light and life. The needles point up to heaven.
The BELL: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold, signifying that all are precious in His eyes.
The CANDLE: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.
The Gift BOW: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.
The Candy CANE: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.
The WREATH: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love…having no end.
Your Childrens Handmade Tree Ornaments are treasured 'Memory Gifts to keep'.
The STAR: A heavenly signs of prophecy fulfilled long, long ago- The shining hope of mankind.
The Color RED: The first color of Christmas, symbolizing that Savior’s sacrifice for all.
The Fir TREE: Evergreen- the second color of Christmas shows everlasting light and life. The needles point up to heaven.
The BELL: Rings out to guide lost sheep back to the fold, signifying that all are precious in His eyes.
The CANDLE: A mirror of starlight, reflecting our thanks for the star of Bethlehem.
The Gift BOW: Tied as we should all be tied together in bonds of goodwill forever.
The Candy CANE: Represents the shape of the shepherd's crook, used to bring lost lambs back to the fold.
The WREATH: A symbol of the never ending eternal value of love…having no end.
Your Childrens Handmade Tree Ornaments are treasured 'Memory Gifts to keep'.
Wow,where is our snow?????
Can you say, (Wow). I feel homesick. I remember in 1996 the last time it snowed like that.First tones of rain and now snow.They are all thinking oh man how much more snow,while some of us are like where is our snow????With each passing day I wonder what life will be like for my children,Lord knows I've made alot of mistakes.Many I don't want my children making.I want them to be strong and independent and be confident in all their decisions they will make.Okay(LOL) I already know they can speak their mind very well,half the time I feel they keep me in line.I know that my life could have taken a very different path but at the expense of my child no way.For some funny way God seems to always know which way your life should be taking.I have the two best blessings in my life and I couldn't ask for it to be any different.Why did my heart get broken and smashed to pieces until Bill came into my life.I srongly believe that in order to find my prince,I had to know what it meant to be on my own,learn to pick up the pieces and continue on.Sometimes I look at myself and wonder where did that person go???Then I remember that I am slowly becoming the person I was,fun,carefree,never home and spontaneous was a new adventure for the kids and I.Now I'm not sure where my daughter got this quote but i often think about it. "To the World you may be one person,but to one person you may be the World".
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sometimes,you just gotta go errr!!!!!
Okay So it is no surprise that I am feeling very lost lately.I have been withdrawn,unreachable and just down in the dumps. Okay so for those of who read my blog are proably thinking so what else is new get over it. Well how do you get over it when you don't know what on earth to do about how you feel.Now I don't expect anyone to be a mind reader,but sometimes I just wish someone could. I guess when it really matters if you don't or can't say anything then you have noone to depend on. Which makes for such a lonely life.Now I know I am not totally alone I God,my family,my best friends.I have alot to be thankful for the three most that i'm thankful for are Bill,Samm and Jord.However If you have never been told that you have an illness,and meds aren't helping then you just can't understand.(sorry you can't). Okay so i am very homesick.Okay so i'm very emotional.If I had all the answers?,okay only one person does.I just wish I could over come this,but honestly I now am admitting I don't know how.I know that you are thinking it is just the enemy talking which it proably is and i know God said life wasn't going to be easy.Because believe me i've been there and i know life isn't easy.I am not looking for sympathy,as that is not the person I am,I am looking for acceptance from within my self.. Still am looking for a car and still would appreciate advice on a digital camera. Blessings
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Now as everyone knows no to children are the same for you Jordan
Jordan's song is Kryptonite the Superman song,It has alot of meaning to him.I only hope that you know I love you and how much you mean to me.I know I have been short tempered lately and I apologize for that.
Hello, i'm back
Okay I didn't go anywhere,wish I had.So Walmart is looking good,such a long hire process though.As I've been kinda down lately,I always know thet life is good and it could be worse.My best friend heard this song and it made her think that it was a perfect song for Samm and I,Just thought i would share.It's called Yor're Gonna Be by Reba McEntire.Now I hope you read this and listen to this song.I know i don't always find the right way to tell you things and I know i've been impossible lately and for that I apologize.Just know how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
so much for the flu shot
Well I must say that we have the weirdiest and wetest weather going.I am now officailly on a count down to our trip(30)days to go.However we will have alot of work and clean up to do from all the flooding.Alot of our families and friemds lost their basements.So if anyone knows of anyone selling a car(4 door)willing to take payments and is in good condition please let me know.Also i posted a postabout digital cameras anyone with suggestions,would be greatly appreciated.Sorry I missed everyone at Church today,but we are feeling under the weather.Hope everyone is doing great. Blessings the McRaes
Friday, November 17, 2006
What a storm,our home flooded.Nov 15th to the 19th
Well we are very thankful that all of our family and friends are okay.A-lot of damage was done to alot of homes during Wednesday and Thursday's storm due to a hurricane from Hawaii.Our home is along a channel or canal.My Father n'law sent us some pics that I thought I would share.We only started hearing from our families late wednesday and thursday morning as they had no power and were shut off from everyone else.I have added more pics from two other sources.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
This one is different,got from Char,thanks
Just do it, it is fun!
Well, I was told to do this one with this quote, "This one's different, so you should all do it!"
NINE last things you did
9. Last place you were: work
8. Last tv show watched: 6p.m. news
7. Last beverage:milk
6. Last movie watched: The breakup
5. Last phone call: terri
4. Last song played: lips of an angel
3. Last bubble bath: too long ago to remember
2. Last time you cried: today
1. Last alcoholic drink: strawberry daquari
EIGHT have you evers
8. Have you ever dated someone twice: Yes
7. Have you ever BEEN cheated ON: Yes
6. Have you ever kissed someone: yes
5. Have you ever kissed someone you regret: yes
4. Have you ever fallen in love: of course
3. Have you ever lost someone: Yes
2. Have you ever been depressed: suffer from clinical depression
1. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up: yeppers(yuck)
SEVEN states (or provinces) you've been to.(not including the one u live in now)
1. Edmonton,Alberta
2. Oregon
3. Saskatchewan
4. Bellingham
5. Yukon
6. Alaska
7. Boston
FIVE things you do on a daily basis
Should be easy...
1. Sweep
2. Dishes
3. vaccum
4. Shower
5. Send kids off to school
THREE favorite colors
1. Burgundy
2. Pink
3. shades of blue
So Far in 2006 I have:
Been to school - yes
Made a new friend - Yes
Laughed until you cried - of course
Went behind your parents back - no
Cried over an ex -no
Disappointed someone close - yes
Pretended to be happy - put on my mask on days when not happy
Met someone who changed your life - most definatly
Lost someone close to you - yes
Gotten close to someone - Yes
Given up something important to you - Yes
Found out who your true friends were - I have always known who my true friends are
1. Are you currently mad at someone?: yes
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?: terri
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?: Yes
4. Does your face turn red when you’re angry?: no my eyes change color(with every mood)
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream?: honestly yell and scream
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?: two baby showers and for my 30th birthday,now everyone forgets it
2. Are you easily excited?: Depends
3. What event is coming up that you’re most excited about?: going home for xmas after 17 years
4. Which of your friends gets you the most excited: can't pick one over the other
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?: donate to the Muscular Dystrophy Research
6. If you could have anything right now: a vehicle
7. Love or money?: love all the way
Do you support?
1. Sex before marriage?: used to not now
2. Lowering the drinking age?: No
4. Capital Punishment?: yes
5. Abortion?: depends on circumstance
6. Recycling?: of course
More random:
1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?: on the shower rod
2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?: winnie the pooh
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?: both
4. In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity?: Guy- Johnny Depp Girl- Julia Roberts
5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? glue
6. Chicken or pork?: Chicken!
7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark?: No, I don't go to school.
8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?:unicorn scared of water
9. What color is your underwear?: black
10. What time does the sun usually set? probably 5 or 5:30pm
11. What/who do you think of last before you go to sleep?: God
12. AC or fan?: AC if possible
13. Do you wear braces?: No
14. Can you do a hand stand?: yes
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?: Messy
16. What level English are you in?: university
17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?: jessica alba
18. Which subject is worse, English or Math?: Math-
19. What’s one thing you really want to do this very moment?: look at stars
20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you’ve watched?: none come to mind
21. CD player or iPOD?: CD player
22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 mph or drop 400 feet from a bungie cord?: bungie jump
23. Whats your favorite shape?:the big dipper
24. What do you have planned for the weekend?: just church and hang out with terri
26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do?: write of course
27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV?: you're kidding right?
28. How was your day?: same old,same old
29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut?: grow and cut
30. Describe your handwriting: neat
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?: not at all
32. Do you bruise easily?: extremly
33. There’s nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?:turn off t.v.
34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes?: i think so
35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?: type it
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?: nope
37. Describe yourself using three words: Loving, forgiving,understanding
38. Do you use deodorant?: of course everyday
39. Do you like ice in your drink?: yes love it
I pass on this... This one's different, so you should all do it!
Blessings Tanya
Well, I was told to do this one with this quote, "This one's different, so you should all do it!"
NINE last things you did
9. Last place you were: work
8. Last tv show watched: 6p.m. news
7. Last beverage:milk
6. Last movie watched: The breakup
5. Last phone call: terri
4. Last song played: lips of an angel
3. Last bubble bath: too long ago to remember
2. Last time you cried: today
1. Last alcoholic drink: strawberry daquari
EIGHT have you evers
8. Have you ever dated someone twice: Yes
7. Have you ever BEEN cheated ON: Yes
6. Have you ever kissed someone: yes
5. Have you ever kissed someone you regret: yes
4. Have you ever fallen in love: of course
3. Have you ever lost someone: Yes
2. Have you ever been depressed: suffer from clinical depression
1. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up: yeppers(yuck)
SEVEN states (or provinces) you've been to.(not including the one u live in now)
1. Edmonton,Alberta
2. Oregon
3. Saskatchewan
4. Bellingham
5. Yukon
6. Alaska
7. Boston
FIVE things you do on a daily basis
Should be easy...
1. Sweep
2. Dishes
3. vaccum
4. Shower
5. Send kids off to school
THREE favorite colors
1. Burgundy
2. Pink
3. shades of blue
So Far in 2006 I have:
Been to school - yes
Made a new friend - Yes
Laughed until you cried - of course
Went behind your parents back - no
Cried over an ex -no
Disappointed someone close - yes
Pretended to be happy - put on my mask on days when not happy
Met someone who changed your life - most definatly
Lost someone close to you - yes
Gotten close to someone - Yes
Given up something important to you - Yes
Found out who your true friends were - I have always known who my true friends are
1. Are you currently mad at someone?: yes
2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?: terri
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?: Yes
4. Does your face turn red when you’re angry?: no my eyes change color(with every mood)
5. When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream?: honestly yell and scream
1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?: two baby showers and for my 30th birthday,now everyone forgets it
2. Are you easily excited?: Depends
3. What event is coming up that you’re most excited about?: going home for xmas after 17 years
4. Which of your friends gets you the most excited: can't pick one over the other
5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?: donate to the Muscular Dystrophy Research
6. If you could have anything right now: a vehicle
7. Love or money?: love all the way
Do you support?
1. Sex before marriage?: used to not now
2. Lowering the drinking age?: No
4. Capital Punishment?: yes
5. Abortion?: depends on circumstance
6. Recycling?: of course
More random:
1. Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering?: on the shower rod
2. What kind of mouse pad do you have?: winnie the pooh
3. Do you brush your hair with a comb or a brush?: both
4. In your opinion, who do you think is the hottest celebrity?: Guy- Johnny Depp Girl- Julia Roberts
5. You have a project due tomorrow, do you use tape or glue? glue
6. Chicken or pork?: Chicken!
7. By the time you get to school, is it still dark?: No, I don't go to school.
8. If you had a choice to be a unicorn or mermaid which would it be?:unicorn scared of water
9. What color is your underwear?: black
10. What time does the sun usually set? probably 5 or 5:30pm
11. What/who do you think of last before you go to sleep?: God
12. AC or fan?: AC if possible
13. Do you wear braces?: No
14. Can you do a hand stand?: yes
15. If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair?: Messy
16. What level English are you in?: university
17. Jessica Simpson or Alba?: jessica alba
18. Which subject is worse, English or Math?: Math-
19. What’s one thing you really want to do this very moment?: look at stars
20. What movie are you embarrassed to admit you’ve watched?: none come to mind
21. CD player or iPOD?: CD player
22. Would you rather spin upside down going 30 mph or drop 400 feet from a bungie cord?: bungie jump
23. Whats your favorite shape?:the big dipper
24. What do you have planned for the weekend?: just church and hang out with terri
26. If you were put in a room with nothing except for a pencil and paper, what would you do?: write of course
27. Is it always easy finding your remote every time you want to watch TV?: you're kidding right?
28. How was your day?: same old,same old
29. Do you grow your nails, bite or cut?: grow and cut
30. Describe your handwriting: neat
31. Do you consider yourself a stalker?: not at all
32. Do you bruise easily?: extremly
33. There’s nothing on TV except Barney and Japanese news what do you do?:turn off t.v.
34. Do you know more then 3 myspace codes?: i think so
35. You got an essay due, you either can type or write in pen, which will it be?: type it
36. Do you wear jeans to relax at home?: nope
37. Describe yourself using three words: Loving, forgiving,understanding
38. Do you use deodorant?: of course everyday
39. Do you like ice in your drink?: yes love it
I pass on this... This one's different, so you should all do it!
Blessings Tanya
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Well I was still fighting a migraine,so I have been working with it.Last night I couldn't take anymore I was crying so at 7p.m. I went in my blood pressure was sky high.So they hooked me up to an iv,first they ran through saline,then a med bag,then saline,something for my stomach,more saline,then 3 needles into the iv,more saline,then benadryl,more saline and one more med bag,then more saline.After 4 hours they checked my blood pressure it returned to normal and for me that is very low.I did an oops though i fell asleep and they put the iv above my elbow well when i fell asleep i stopped the iv and the monitors went off(oops).They phoned home and told Bill where i was and he came over and stayed home with me.So after five hours I was allowed to go,The nurse said that i will be very groggy.I said oh i feel fine oops wrong again i got home and then remember waking up 12 hours later in bed wondering how i got there.So now my migraine is gone and they can start me on an everyday preventative medication.Praise the Lord.The kids have been such a blessing picking up the slack around the house as Bill had to work.Other than that not much is happening.Oh yes is anyone interested in going to the musical "The Pajama Party" it is at the rem theatre the dates are thursday the 7th $10.00 and friday and saturday $15.00, all shows are at 8p.m.on dec 7th,8th 9th.Samm is working behind the scenes lighting etc.the play is based on the novel 7and a half Cents by Richard Bissell.So if anyone is interested just let us know thank-you.blessings to all
Monday, November 06, 2006
i'm nemo!!!!!!


Which Finding Nemo Character Are You?

You're NEMO, the tiny fish with big plans.
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |
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Sunday, November 05, 2006
What color is yuor Aura
Your Aura is Purple |
![]() Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great. You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a man who sees your vision and adopts it as his own. Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician. |
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Not much Happening,let it snow let it snow
Well I am so excited as we finally have snow falling down and i just love the white stuff.I was wondering if anyone could help me out,I would like to buy a digital camera and i am lost on what to lookfor ,so if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated.So I finally had time to do the grocery shopping(yuck)and yogurt tubes were on sale so i grabbed to boxes on was flavoured 4 fruit and 4 lemonade electrik in one bow and the other bow was 4 kookikremis luminus(cookies and cream) and 4 caramelumluminus(caramel)never noticed till i came home what the last box was made of,i thought okay someone is creative in the yogurt department!!!
Now to bore everyone my girlfriend from P.G.challenged me to this list
100 Things About Me
1.wanted to be a lawyer
2.love burgandy%pink
3.love zinfadel(whit wine)
4.would rather have starbucks than timmies
5.love to camp
6.took self-defense
7.love the ocean
8.was a gas jockey for 6 years
9.was a teenage mom
10.rather have a truck than a car
11.love winnie the pooh
12.live in my pj's 24-7(at home)
13.know how to claen and fire an assortment of guns(dad was a hunter)
14.am a carrier of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy
15.against animal testing
16.have 2 sisters
17.have one brother who is terminally ill
18.don't like red meat
19.was accepted at Harvard Law School
20.watch Gilmore Girls
21.have reading glasses
22.been married for 8 years
23.22 when youngest born
23.believe in angels
24.have 2 turtles(jordan's)
25.have a short fuse sometimes
26.love walking on the beach
27.dream about going to Paris
28.born in Campbell River (vancouver island)
29.love all types of seafood
30.fav dog dalmation
31.love pasta---(bored yet)
32.love hiking
33.suffer from migraines
34.wear a medical bracelet
35.into scrapbooking
36.love walking in the rain
37.am afraid of water
38.against racism
39.love subway
40.don't like to shop(really I don't)
41.peer counselor fro DMD
42.was a single mom for a lot of years
43.love to sleep in (okay who doesn't)
44.fav movie Gone With The Wind
45.took a piglet to kindergarten for show and tell
46.love Doritos
47.got married 2 days after 2nd proposal(yes Bill)
48.love animals
49.could live without a phone
50.serious clean/neat freak(okay i'm monica from friends)
51.my 1st puppy was runover the day we got him
52.was deaf in my left ear and partial hearing in my right till 10
53.listening to music is my vice
54.deathly allergic to bee stings
55.can't miss CSI Las Vegas and Miami
56.am a great aunt
57.my fav soap is Young&the Restless
58.love autumn
59.love to shop at ikea
60.am a workaholic
61.have had spinal menengitis
62.collect bells
63.allergic to caffiene
64.could watch over the hedge again&again
65.love cuddling up with the kids and watching movies
66.am a homebody
67.fav dessert srawberry cheesecake
68.find McDonald's fries too salty
69.want to go back to school
70.have never been to disneyland
71.mix cheese whiz and salsa for dipping(yum)
72.watch rachael ray every day
73.love to paint
74.have been skyjumping
75.despise watching the news
76.love making snow angels
77.want to find a way to stop phone soliciters
78.love fill in puzzles and sodoku
79.love heros,without a trace
80.love tootsie pops and string licorice
81.love waffles from the Quay at home
82.cannot understand algebra
83.collect precious moments
84.wated twins
85.downtime from work playing on the computer
86.wish we had a tacotime
87.almost lost my left eye,still have scar
88.love homemade chocolate chip cookies
are we still reading,don't blame you if you aren't
89.love all types of candles
90.watch deal or no deal
91.want to build my family's dreamhouse
92.had an imaginary friend
93.would like to get rid of automated systems(phone)
94.love Lady & Tramp
95.love bonfires
96.broke my sternum
97.love all types of music
98.can't play video games(ask jordan)
99.voluntered with Planned Parenthood
100.love to serve God
Well there we have it I made it,wow that was tough.
Now to bore everyone my girlfriend from P.G.challenged me to this list
100 Things About Me
1.wanted to be a lawyer
2.love burgandy%pink
3.love zinfadel(whit wine)
4.would rather have starbucks than timmies
5.love to camp
6.took self-defense
7.love the ocean
8.was a gas jockey for 6 years
9.was a teenage mom
10.rather have a truck than a car
11.love winnie the pooh
12.live in my pj's 24-7(at home)
13.know how to claen and fire an assortment of guns(dad was a hunter)
14.am a carrier of Duchenne Muscular dystrophy
15.against animal testing
16.have 2 sisters
17.have one brother who is terminally ill
18.don't like red meat
19.was accepted at Harvard Law School
20.watch Gilmore Girls
21.have reading glasses
22.been married for 8 years
23.22 when youngest born
23.believe in angels
24.have 2 turtles(jordan's)
25.have a short fuse sometimes
26.love walking on the beach
27.dream about going to Paris
28.born in Campbell River (vancouver island)
29.love all types of seafood
30.fav dog dalmation
31.love pasta---(bored yet)
32.love hiking
33.suffer from migraines
34.wear a medical bracelet
35.into scrapbooking
36.love walking in the rain
37.am afraid of water
38.against racism
39.love subway
40.don't like to shop(really I don't)
41.peer counselor fro DMD
42.was a single mom for a lot of years
43.love to sleep in (okay who doesn't)
44.fav movie Gone With The Wind
45.took a piglet to kindergarten for show and tell
46.love Doritos
47.got married 2 days after 2nd proposal(yes Bill)
48.love animals
49.could live without a phone
50.serious clean/neat freak(okay i'm monica from friends)
51.my 1st puppy was runover the day we got him
52.was deaf in my left ear and partial hearing in my right till 10
53.listening to music is my vice
54.deathly allergic to bee stings
55.can't miss CSI Las Vegas and Miami
56.am a great aunt
57.my fav soap is Young&the Restless
58.love autumn
59.love to shop at ikea
60.am a workaholic
61.have had spinal menengitis
62.collect bells
63.allergic to caffiene
64.could watch over the hedge again&again
65.love cuddling up with the kids and watching movies
66.am a homebody
67.fav dessert srawberry cheesecake
68.find McDonald's fries too salty
69.want to go back to school
70.have never been to disneyland
71.mix cheese whiz and salsa for dipping(yum)
72.watch rachael ray every day
73.love to paint
74.have been skyjumping
75.despise watching the news
76.love making snow angels
77.want to find a way to stop phone soliciters
78.love fill in puzzles and sodoku
79.love heros,without a trace
80.love tootsie pops and string licorice
81.love waffles from the Quay at home
82.cannot understand algebra
83.collect precious moments
84.wated twins
85.downtime from work playing on the computer
86.wish we had a tacotime
87.almost lost my left eye,still have scar
88.love homemade chocolate chip cookies
are we still reading,don't blame you if you aren't
89.love all types of candles
90.watch deal or no deal
91.want to build my family's dreamhouse
92.had an imaginary friend
93.would like to get rid of automated systems(phone)
94.love Lady & Tramp
95.love bonfires
96.broke my sternum
97.love all types of music
98.can't play video games(ask jordan)
99.voluntered with Planned Parenthood
100.love to serve God
Well there we have it I made it,wow that was tough.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wow November Already!!!
Before long everyone will be busy with the all the huslte and bustle of the Christmas Season.I for one am not too fond of Christmas. I have a very hard time wrapping Christmas around my head.Before I came to Christ I only had Christmas in my house as that was the thing to do for the kids,it was a time to get together with all your loved ones and just one day out of the year show love and compassion for others.Now this always made me think why can't we have Christmas everyday and have world peace.To me I didn't need or want just one day to show love or compassion,I wanted it to be like that everyday.As my Grandpa Parkinson would say he loved Chritsmas because for him it was his one day where everyone got together,putting their differences aside and became a family again.You see my Grandparents(dad's side)were divorced and he was remarried with my half-uncles one being the same age as me,the other a couple years younger.I remember going to Grandpa's in the morning for breakfast and gift opening,then we would all go home for the afternoon.Then we would go to my Grandma's do gift opening and have a huge dinner in Grandma's one bedroom little house,how we all fit I will never know.That was my Christmas tradition.Bill and I have very different tradition's and have somehow kept some of each other's and have created our own.This year (after 17 years) I'm going home to spend Christmas with my Dad,Stepmom and sisters.Dad and I have been able to put our differences aside and have our one day together,which I thank the Lord for everyday.Dad has never met Samm or Jord.I have only seen my little sister Joyce once,(Cheryl I used to babysit) met once.That was in the hospital after our Dad had a massive heart attack,in which he never recovered from.Another reason for going to see him.I thought I would be sad, as so much time has been lost and when we finally go home it is with knowing how sick he is.I have prayed and prayed for Dad and I to be brought back together,someone once said becareful what you wish for as you never know what is in store for you.Wow you can say that again!!!Now I know that when someone passes on their spirit lives on,for when i look at Jord I see my Grandpa. I also know you never forget how,where,when and why??? Christmas to me just isn't about the birth of Jesus Christ,it is also about celebrating my Grandfather's life as he was taken away from us on Christmas day.Now don't be sad as I'm not,as this is a little piece of my life and it is with great joy that I share this with all of you.To you Grandpa,till we meet again. A little early,,,,I know!!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
For you Ali,love you girl!!!
Useful Links
Waste Not, Want Not: Role For Caveolin-3 In Muscular Dystrophy
Main Category: Muscular Dystrophy News
Article Date: 17 Oct 2006 - 15:00pm (PST)
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The muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and hereditary diseases in which patients experience skeletal muscle weakness due to wasting and loss of muscle fibers. However, the signaling pathways involved in muscle wasting have remained elusive. Researchers have begun to focus on the potential role of proteins known as caveolins in muscle wasting. Caveolins come together to form a scaffold onto which many other types of signaling molecules can assemble at the cell plasma membrane. Caveolin-3 is a muscle-specific form of caveolins.
In a study appearing online on October 12, in advance of publication in the November print issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Yoshihide Sunada and colleagues from Kawasaki Medical School, Japan, show that loss of caveolin-3 in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy increases the intracellular activity of myostatin - a known inhibitor of muscle growth - and leads to muscle wasting. Conversely, the authors demonstrated that inhibition of myostatin rescued the muscle wasting in these mice. The study indicates that overactivation of myostatin signaling plays an important role in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy in mice, and that a principal function of caveolin-3 in skeletal muscle is to inhibit myostatin signaling, thereby preventing muscle wasting. Future studies may show that myostatin inhibition may have potential as a promising therapy for patients with certain kinds of muscular dystrophy.
TITLE: Muscular atrophy of caveolin-3-deficient mice is rescued by myostatin inhibition
Yoshihide Sunada
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan.
Waste Not, Want Not: Role For Caveolin-3 In Muscular Dystrophy
Main Category: Muscular Dystrophy News
Article Date: 17 Oct 2006 - 15:00pm (PST)
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Useful Article?
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The muscular dystrophies are a group of genetic and hereditary diseases in which patients experience skeletal muscle weakness due to wasting and loss of muscle fibers. However, the signaling pathways involved in muscle wasting have remained elusive. Researchers have begun to focus on the potential role of proteins known as caveolins in muscle wasting. Caveolins come together to form a scaffold onto which many other types of signaling molecules can assemble at the cell plasma membrane. Caveolin-3 is a muscle-specific form of caveolins.
In a study appearing online on October 12, in advance of publication in the November print issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation, Yoshihide Sunada and colleagues from Kawasaki Medical School, Japan, show that loss of caveolin-3 in a mouse model of muscular dystrophy increases the intracellular activity of myostatin - a known inhibitor of muscle growth - and leads to muscle wasting. Conversely, the authors demonstrated that inhibition of myostatin rescued the muscle wasting in these mice. The study indicates that overactivation of myostatin signaling plays an important role in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy in mice, and that a principal function of caveolin-3 in skeletal muscle is to inhibit myostatin signaling, thereby preventing muscle wasting. Future studies may show that myostatin inhibition may have potential as a promising therapy for patients with certain kinds of muscular dystrophy.
TITLE: Muscular atrophy of caveolin-3-deficient mice is rescued by myostatin inhibition
Yoshihide Sunada
Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
I love this site
Walking the Talk
Open Your Heart to Jesus
"I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts. I will put my spirit within you and make you live by my statutes, careful to observe my decrees. You shall live in the land I gave your fathers you shall be my people, and I will be your God." (Ezekiel 36: 25-28)
It is impossible to be good and live a holy life without the help of the Holy Spirit. It is difficult to even have the desire to live a holy life without help. The reason we need to be holy and cleansed from all of our impurities is because we cannot enter heaven, a completely holy place, with even a spot of sin. Since the Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,: we are kidding ourselves if we think we live outside of this truth. Yes, you have sinned, so in and of yourself you are unable to go to heaven when you die. However, there is good news. A way has been made for you. This is the free gift of salvation offered to us through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. It is simple. Just receive it. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Saviour. He will forgive you of all of your sins and give you egverlasting life.
He will take you out of your darkness and into his glorious light. You will be his child. He will give you the power to be holy and will transform you into his image. You will have the strength to be kind, patient, loving, and forgiving. You will then shine his glorious light to a dark world that needs the love of Jesus.
So, even if you have no desire to be holy and you are quite content muddling in the sin that is so familiar to you, this is not God's plan for your life. He has a higher calling for you. He wants you to be holy as Christ is holy. He wants you to be with him in heaven after you die and not go to hell in everlasting torment with Satan, his demons and all of those who have died in their sins. So shake out of your old habits and unhhealthy surroundings and receive Jesus. He wants to remove every area of darkness in your life and cleanse and heal you. Even Christians can be in bondage to sin. There may still be some areas of sin that you are enjoying from time to time and you don't really want the Lord to come in and change this area of your life. The flesh is still screaming for satisfaction, yet the Spirit of the Lord in you is grieved. Remember, if you even have one small chain of bondage to sin in your life, then you are still chained. Our enemy, Satan, is looking for any area he can grab hold of to tear us completely down. Don't forget that we are in a battle. He preys on your weaknesses. Jesus wants to set you free from every chain in your life. he came to set you completely free!
"To be in Christ means being a completely new creature. Everything of the old is gone, now everything is made anew." (2 Corinthians 5"17)
Ask the Lord to shine his light in every area of darkness in your life. Ask him to give you the desire to be holy. He will come in and bring his healing power to transform you into his image.
Cyndie Grozelle
Open Your Heart to Jesus
"I will sprinkle clean water upon you to cleanse you from all your impurities, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. I will give you a new heart and place a new spirit within you, taking from your bodies your stony hearts and giving you natural hearts. I will put my spirit within you and make you live by my statutes, careful to observe my decrees. You shall live in the land I gave your fathers you shall be my people, and I will be your God." (Ezekiel 36: 25-28)
It is impossible to be good and live a holy life without the help of the Holy Spirit. It is difficult to even have the desire to live a holy life without help. The reason we need to be holy and cleansed from all of our impurities is because we cannot enter heaven, a completely holy place, with even a spot of sin. Since the Bible says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,: we are kidding ourselves if we think we live outside of this truth. Yes, you have sinned, so in and of yourself you are unable to go to heaven when you die. However, there is good news. A way has been made for you. This is the free gift of salvation offered to us through Jesus Christ's death on the cross. It is simple. Just receive it. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be your Lord and Saviour. He will forgive you of all of your sins and give you egverlasting life.
He will take you out of your darkness and into his glorious light. You will be his child. He will give you the power to be holy and will transform you into his image. You will have the strength to be kind, patient, loving, and forgiving. You will then shine his glorious light to a dark world that needs the love of Jesus.
So, even if you have no desire to be holy and you are quite content muddling in the sin that is so familiar to you, this is not God's plan for your life. He has a higher calling for you. He wants you to be holy as Christ is holy. He wants you to be with him in heaven after you die and not go to hell in everlasting torment with Satan, his demons and all of those who have died in their sins. So shake out of your old habits and unhhealthy surroundings and receive Jesus. He wants to remove every area of darkness in your life and cleanse and heal you. Even Christians can be in bondage to sin. There may still be some areas of sin that you are enjoying from time to time and you don't really want the Lord to come in and change this area of your life. The flesh is still screaming for satisfaction, yet the Spirit of the Lord in you is grieved. Remember, if you even have one small chain of bondage to sin in your life, then you are still chained. Our enemy, Satan, is looking for any area he can grab hold of to tear us completely down. Don't forget that we are in a battle. He preys on your weaknesses. Jesus wants to set you free from every chain in your life. he came to set you completely free!
"To be in Christ means being a completely new creature. Everything of the old is gone, now everything is made anew." (2 Corinthians 5"17)
Ask the Lord to shine his light in every area of darkness in your life. Ask him to give you the desire to be holy. He will come in and bring his healing power to transform you into his image.
Cyndie Grozelle
Saturday, October 28, 2006
After more than a week and countless shots(needles) my migraine is finally gone.Now if only my back and hips would heal fast so i could actually sleep,without waking up like a bear.Life is pretty good with the return of Bill to Denny's tonight then off in the spring to apprentice under my uncle.The goods are doing great in school a few bumps with Jord but it is getting better.Then again my patience is alot better to.It's nice to see the rain however I hope it is gone come Halloween. Remember to turn your clocks back that's right we gain an hour of sleep,I'm all up for that!!!! Also please keep Lynne and her Mom in your prayers during this difficult and trying time.
Friday, October 27, 2006
The Strength of Compassion
BO'S TIP OF THE DAY: Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most.
"Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." - Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
October 24, 2006
The Strength Of Compassion
Coming At Conflict With An Open Heart
Conflict is an unavoidable part of our lives because our beliefs and modes of being often contrast powerfully with those of our loved ones, acquaintances, and associates. Yet for all the grief disagreements can cause, we can learn much from them. The manner in which we handle ourselves when confronted with anger or argument demonstrates our overall level of patience and the quality of our energetic states. To resolve conflict, no matter how exasperating the disagreement at hand, we should approach our adversary with an open heart laden with compassion. Judgments and blame must be cast aside and replaced with mutual respect. Conflict is frequently motivated by unspoken needs that are masked by confrontational attitudes or aggressive behavior. When we come at conflict with love and acceptance in our hearts, we empower ourselves to discover a means to attaining collective resolution.
The key to finding the wisdom concealed in conflict is to ask yourself why you clash with a particular person or situation. Your inner self or the universe may be trying to point you to a specific life lesson, so try to keep your ears and eyes open. Once you have explored the internal and external roots of your disagreement, make a conscious effort to release any anger or resentment you feel. As you do so, the energy between you and your adversary with change perceptibly, even if they are still operating from a more limited energy state. Consider that each of you likely has compelling reasons for thinking and feeling as you do, and accept that you have no power to change your adversary's mind. This can help you approach your disagreement rationally, with a steady voice and a willingness to compromise.
If you listen thoughtfully and with an empathetic ear during conflict, you can transform clashes into opportunities to compromise. Examine your thoughts and feelings carefully. You may discover stubbornness within yourself that is causing resistance or that you are unwittingly feeding yourself negative messages about your adversary. As your part in disagreements becomes gradually more clear, each new conflict becomes another chance to further hone your empathy, compassion, and tolerance. From a great friend
"Never discourage anyone...who continually makes progress, no matter how slow." - Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
October 24, 2006
The Strength Of Compassion
Coming At Conflict With An Open Heart
Conflict is an unavoidable part of our lives because our beliefs and modes of being often contrast powerfully with those of our loved ones, acquaintances, and associates. Yet for all the grief disagreements can cause, we can learn much from them. The manner in which we handle ourselves when confronted with anger or argument demonstrates our overall level of patience and the quality of our energetic states. To resolve conflict, no matter how exasperating the disagreement at hand, we should approach our adversary with an open heart laden with compassion. Judgments and blame must be cast aside and replaced with mutual respect. Conflict is frequently motivated by unspoken needs that are masked by confrontational attitudes or aggressive behavior. When we come at conflict with love and acceptance in our hearts, we empower ourselves to discover a means to attaining collective resolution.
The key to finding the wisdom concealed in conflict is to ask yourself why you clash with a particular person or situation. Your inner self or the universe may be trying to point you to a specific life lesson, so try to keep your ears and eyes open. Once you have explored the internal and external roots of your disagreement, make a conscious effort to release any anger or resentment you feel. As you do so, the energy between you and your adversary with change perceptibly, even if they are still operating from a more limited energy state. Consider that each of you likely has compelling reasons for thinking and feeling as you do, and accept that you have no power to change your adversary's mind. This can help you approach your disagreement rationally, with a steady voice and a willingness to compromise.
If you listen thoughtfully and with an empathetic ear during conflict, you can transform clashes into opportunities to compromise. Examine your thoughts and feelings carefully. You may discover stubbornness within yourself that is causing resistance or that you are unwittingly feeding yourself negative messages about your adversary. As your part in disagreements becomes gradually more clear, each new conflict becomes another chance to further hone your empathy, compassion, and tolerance. From a great friend
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Apparently it is normal to have a migraine this long
After having this migraine;I'm about ready to chop off my head.I just can't shake it no matter what I do or the Doctor's do. I feel that I might have to go into the hospital again,I feel like such a bother but the doctors and nurses say don't worry about it cause you are in a lot of pain.On the brighter side of things,Samm is doing great at school.Her drawings are getting better an better each day.Jordan is doing good too,if he would stop getting picked on.I have also managed with Lynne's help to fix up my blog.Thankx Bonnie for the idea of the clock,I liked yours so much that I wanted one to.Lynne thankyou for all of your help during the migraine battle,blessings luv yah
migrain oh migrain please go away
As you may tell i changed my template and my links are not posted,but will be shortly.SO it is official Bill is going back to work on Saturday.We are also going home for xmas with my dad,we haven't had xmas together in 17 years.This will be the first time he meets the children and the first time I meet my lil sis joyce.I have never been one to like xmas but i actually can't wait.Since wednesday I have had a horrible migraine and it won't go away,right now i feel like a pincushion.So it's back to the dr's for me.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
my monster name
Your Monster Profile |
![]() Wild Nightmare You Feast On: Lasanga You Lurk Around In: Olive Gardens You Especially Like to Torment: Vegans |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Migraines can go away
Well not much has been happening in our crazy world.Bill goes back to Denny's late nights again on the 27th(Yah)!!!After fighting a migraine for the past three days and nothing is helping i'm getting worried.My head hurts so much that all i want to do is sleep it off but that isn't helping either.With alot of bullying going on in todays society it brought me back to an old song.Just so you know I have never dealt drugs or done them,okay i tried once.So hope you can read between the lines in the song.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A song that gets me through the tough times
Cause I now know I can go home,however Terrace is our home now and we love it.Thankyou everyone for embracing us and letting us know we are not alone and home is truly where you make it.love you all
Life's little mysteries


wonder why we go through,everything we do? I realize that nothing is in our control but in God's hands. That without God our lives would be much more chaotic than they are already.I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason,sometimes I just wish we didn't have to wait so long to found out what God's reasons are. I mean I can't be the only person out there to wonder this old age question? Or am I? It took all of summer fighting allergies to find out today that my allergies are definatly caused by the mold inside my house,here I thought I had a bad viral infection and was being so careful not to catch spinal menengitis again.I love this time of year when the leaves are changing color,makes me appreciate life so much and how blessed I am.Update on my brother he is doing great,and my Mom and I are repairing our relationshiip.We will never fully agree on what is best for my brother so I have layed it down at the cross.I love him with all my heart and if anyone is my hero it is him,he has overcome so much and keeps on going with everything he has,he told me the other day Winners never Quit and Quitters never Win.There are days when I wish I could be more like him,always caring about everyone else,making sure we are okay. My brothers favorite song isn't it cool???My brother's favorite song,isn't that just too cool??
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Freaky Friday the 13th
Well nothing out of the ordinary happened today,kids had school,i went to work.It never fails i make arrangements for our family pics and the sunshine disappears.Hope it doesn't rain tommorrow.Trying to decide what to wear and what color,and i need to wear makeup to cover up my blemishes,circles under my eyes and also add color to myself.It has been two years since we did our pics last,so i'm a little excited.I will post some of them when they are ready.How was everyone else's day. first heard this song tonight and it touched me soo much suppossed to be teach me how to pray by jason uptown
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Just can't get enough of this weather;loving it
Today Lynne and I went for a walk across from ferry island,and yuck we found a moose head.(off of Queensway).At first we didn't know what it was,so we crept up to it slowly,which is funny as we knew what ever it was it was dead.We had such a blast.I can not believe how wonderful our afternoons are,so sunny and warm.I only hope the weather holds out for a little while longer so we can do our family pics on Sat.For all of you who are superstitious tommorrow is Friday the 13th.The last time we had a Friday the 13th in October I had my appendix taken out.That was too freaky for me.So I'm going to not even think about the date tommorrow.With Monday being a holiday the kids have school tommorrow which they aren't too happy about.I told them they are lucky cause when I went to school I went 5 days a week and was lucky to have a day off.If I remember right I think the only time I didn't have to go to school was when I was sick.However I know it must be harder than when I was in school,just cramming everything they need to learn in half the time.All in all it was a great day. Isn't Celine amazing,i just love her music
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Talk about awesome weather
We have been having amazing weather.Can it really be October and be this nice out?I just love autumn,it is my favorite time of year.I just love the way the leaves change color,and when you rake up your yard then jump into the pile like when you were little.I believe that we all still have the little kid in us all.Snow angels is another favorite passtime in the winter.Everything for us has been great lately,aside from still being sick.Thanksgiving was very quiet and nice,gave the 4 of us a chance to catch up with each other.Much needed time spent together,you never realize just how busy everyone's life can be.It makes it that much nicer to be able to put away everyone's schedules for an entire evening and be able to enjoy true family time.Unfortunatly I forgot to pick up film so we have no pics of thanksgiving this year.Time for a digital camera I think. I just love this song,everytime I hear it I get goosebumps.Love and blessings to All
Monday, October 09, 2006
what 2004 song are you?
100 Years by Five for Fighting |
![]() "Every day's a new day... 15 there's still time for you Time to buy and time to choose Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this When you only got 100 years to live" 2004 was about thinking and reflecting - but isn't every year? |
thought i would check out what my elf name is;
Okay so I was curious about al
l of us;
The order is bill,myself,samm and jord
Your Elf Name Is... |
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Your Elf Name Is... |
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Your Elf Name Is... |
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Your Elf Name Is... |
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Sunday, October 08, 2006
For My Dad
Many of you know that my Dad has only recently entered my life again after almost 15 years.Bringing the joy of my two sisters into my life,for all of this I am grateful.I also remember the last time we danced as father,daughter.So Dad this is for you.Love you
What a great day
I am still sick but I had a great time today.I only wish that my head and chest cold would go away.I can not believe how sunny it was today,I just love autumn makes me appreciate life that much more.I am hoping it is nice next Saturday so we can get our family pics done by Starla again.Might be moving into another house,as the mold is soo bad in here,i'm sure it is toxic(it's black.)I don't have much to write about so I will leave with these words;
God has a thousand ways where I can see not one.when all my means have reached their end,Then his have just begune Esther Guyot
God has a thousand ways where I can see not one.when all my means have reached their end,Then his have just begune Esther Guyot
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving
Well it is once again that time of year to reflect on what we are thankful for.Myself I am very thankful for many things,the most important is being one of god's children,then our children,my husband,my parents,my siblings, my family, church family and our lovely friends who are there no matter what good or bad and at any time day or night.I am thankful that my brother is still here with us.That my Dad has come back into our lives,the chance i've been givin to know my sisters.The rebuilding of my relationship with my Mom.I am also thankful that God has found has and called us to The Rock,where we feel at home and have so many wonderful brothers and sisters.So have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
colds; a sign of autumn

Well after thinking i got rid of my cold,i didn't.I gave it to Jordan who gave it to Samm,then i got it back worse.So i'm off to the doctor's in the morning to see if there is anything he can do.I was really hoping to go to cell last night,but after work i just felt wiped right out.I am hoping to feel better to go to church on Sunday.It sure feels great to be slowly getting back into the loop of things.Jordan and Samm have adjusted well with going back to school.Just can't wait till xmas hopefully we can go and see my Dad and Stepmom,my sisters and my family.Right now I am searching for a car,4 door,standard or automatic and hopefully can make payments on.I know though all in god's time.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Jordan's party(12) my little boy is growing up(oct3rd)

Well We survived Jordan's birthday party,it was such a blast.A bit noisy but what can you expect when you have 6 boys spend the night.They went swimming then hotdogs, cake.I even bought ice cream and one of the little guys said remember when you went out and you made sure you didn't forget something?I did i forgot to serve the ice cream (oops).Another sign I'm not perfect.I couldn't have asked for better behaved children.Jordan was given this cool game called Big Brain Academy it is so cool.I went to take pics and since i'm not with the times i ran out of film,so i have no pics at all.All in ALL it was an awesome time.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
sometimes you finally have to let the past go
What a song to let the past go once and for all.Saw James on Oprah he was awesome.Quick fact Did you know he was on of the Queens bodyguards?
Sunday, September 24, 2006
What a weekend; got to drive
Well after being sick I finally had an awesome time,a girls' night out.It started with a scavenger hunt,then cosmic bowling,then to the bar ,but i came home not into the bar scene at all.Jordan and his friend went swimming,samm and kelly went to the artful cup,oh and the guys had a guy night.These were with great friends that we know outside of church.I still can't believe it that i got a strike with my eyes closed.pics coming soon.I know I know I didn't make it to church as i hurt my back just a little.Plus i had to catch up on my housework.That sick feeling just won't go away,but i'm fighting it hard,i won't let it beat me.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Well i did it I went to cell tonight and it felt great being there.All the nervousness i had dissappeared when we got there.I am definatly going to try to make it more often.It was just so uplifting and what i needed.Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel after all.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
my lovely sisters





Well everyone has heard so much about my sisters,that i thought i would write about them.My younger sister is Cheryl and she is 27 days youbger than my brother.She graduated in june 2006. She has met her one true love.She just finished a cosmotology course and found a job almost right away.Now my youngest sister is only 13,she is into the 4-h club and is a vegetarian,i haven't met her yet but i will this xmas.I can't wait
friends forever
Samm'a true love
what a week

Well not much is happening with us,I had a relapse and on top of that i caught a cold/flu it has been almost a week now,jordan came home with it on tuesday.Bless my husband as i say this please don't come to close,sleep facing away from me i don't want it.lol Samm has been a very busy bee since going back to school,wow I don't ever remember being that busy in gr.11 as samm says oh mom you are so cool but please get with the times.Am i imagining this but doesn't it seem that when you are sick there just seems to be more housework to do.We finally made the switch to telus enhanced highspeed wow what a difference,no more interuptions.Bill has finally started physio for his back,looks like he goes back Oct 27th. But all in all life is great.When I look around me I am so blessed by God ,my husband ,children,family and our church family.Everyone have a great day. Bestfriends since they were four.
From a great friend,had to share
Seeing Your PerfectionLetting Your Light Shine
We are each born into this world with unique gifts. Within us is a glimmer of the divine, a light that can potentially make the world a more beautiful place. But in many, that light lies dormant, snuffed out by fears and feelings of inadequacy. To spark it is to attract attention, face the possibility of rejection or the responsibility of success, and risk being labeled immodest. Yet when we undermine the light by hiding our aptitudes and quashing our dreams, we deny ourselves and others a wealth of experiences. Your abilities are a part of who you are and when you take pride in them, you affirm the love, esteem, and trust with which you view yourself. Moreover, as you express the light within, you grant others permission to do the same, freeing them to explore their own talents. For some, we are taught to hide our light from the world since childhood. Relatives caution us that the professions associated with our aptitudes are unattainable. Our peers may be envious of our skills and thus overly critical of the activities we instinctively enjoy. And authority figures admonish us to be humble and avoid showing off. But there is a vast chasm that separates those who let their light shine and those who seek only to draw attention to themselves. When you dare to share your light with the world, the beauty and perfection of your soul become clearly visible. You become a whole being-the literal embodiment of your vast potential. Whether you are a wonderful dancer, a first-rate cook, quick with numbers, or a natural negotiator, you'll come to understand that you do the world no favors when you hold yourself back. If you have hidden your light for so long that it has shrunk to an ember, make a list of everything you do well, however impractical, silly, or seemingly inconsequential. Then ask yourself how you can positively utilize those abilities in your daily life. The gifts you were born with were not granted to you arbitrarily. While you may never discover what impact your light has had on others, you can be certain that when you embrace your talents and share them with others, you will spread illumination in the world.
We are each born into this world with unique gifts. Within us is a glimmer of the divine, a light that can potentially make the world a more beautiful place. But in many, that light lies dormant, snuffed out by fears and feelings of inadequacy. To spark it is to attract attention, face the possibility of rejection or the responsibility of success, and risk being labeled immodest. Yet when we undermine the light by hiding our aptitudes and quashing our dreams, we deny ourselves and others a wealth of experiences. Your abilities are a part of who you are and when you take pride in them, you affirm the love, esteem, and trust with which you view yourself. Moreover, as you express the light within, you grant others permission to do the same, freeing them to explore their own talents. For some, we are taught to hide our light from the world since childhood. Relatives caution us that the professions associated with our aptitudes are unattainable. Our peers may be envious of our skills and thus overly critical of the activities we instinctively enjoy. And authority figures admonish us to be humble and avoid showing off. But there is a vast chasm that separates those who let their light shine and those who seek only to draw attention to themselves. When you dare to share your light with the world, the beauty and perfection of your soul become clearly visible. You become a whole being-the literal embodiment of your vast potential. Whether you are a wonderful dancer, a first-rate cook, quick with numbers, or a natural negotiator, you'll come to understand that you do the world no favors when you hold yourself back. If you have hidden your light for so long that it has shrunk to an ember, make a list of everything you do well, however impractical, silly, or seemingly inconsequential. Then ask yourself how you can positively utilize those abilities in your daily life. The gifts you were born with were not granted to you arbitrarily. While you may never discover what impact your light has had on others, you can be certain that when you embrace your talents and share them with others, you will spread illumination in the world.
Monday, September 18, 2006
found it on starla's blog thought it was fun,crazy answers for me
This is Fun!
The Name GameI found this on another person's blog...thought it was fun!
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (your first pet and the street that you live on) tramps eby
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favourite candy)elanor candy bananas
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your middle name)t.lyn
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favourite colour, favourite animal) burgundy dalamation
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)-lynn campbell river
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of mom's maiden name)McRtamo,how do you pronounce that one???
7. SUPERHERO NAME: ("the", your favourite colour, favourite drink) the burgundy icetea
8. NASCAR NAME: (the firstname of both your grandfathers)david vernon
9. FUTURISTIC NAME: (the name of your favourite perfume/cologne and the name of your favourite shoes)ckone flipflops
10. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother/father's middle name and the next name you hear on the tv/radio/talk)louisesponge bob ,jordan is home sick and watching spongebob
The Name GameI found this on another person's blog...thought it was fun!
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (your first pet and the street that you live on) tramps eby
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your mom's side, your favourite candy)elanor candy bananas
3. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name, first two or three letters of your middle name)t.lyn
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favourite colour, favourite animal) burgundy dalamation
5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)-lynn campbell river
6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of mom's maiden name)McRtamo,how do you pronounce that one???
7. SUPERHERO NAME: ("the", your favourite colour, favourite drink) the burgundy icetea
8. NASCAR NAME: (the firstname of both your grandfathers)david vernon
9. FUTURISTIC NAME: (the name of your favourite perfume/cologne and the name of your favourite shoes)ckone flipflops
10. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother/father's middle name and the next name you hear on the tv/radio/talk)louisesponge bob ,jordan is home sick and watching spongebob
Sunday, September 17, 2006
arizona and i dedicate this one too...,
Well I had a very great day yesterday.You see I was on a mission to find a new place to move to when lynne bless her heart came with me.We went all over the southside and the third can that she missed was an arizona ice tea,and we both thought is that where God wants us to move.So we continue on our travels,go to the bottle depot and guess what another arizona can.Now i'm really thinking what is God saying to us.Then we went to the warehouse where I decided that i had to have the green binder well the whole display came down on both of us,it was such a riot.I am fighting this horrible head and chest cold so i didn't make it to church.
tagged again
tag again
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Vancouver Island
.2. What's your favorite article of clothing? my gold's gym hoodie,finally found it
!3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? eyes
4. What's the last CD that you bought? James Blunt Back to Bedlam
"5. Where's your favorite place to be? the ocean.6. Where is your least favorite place to be? in an out house7. What's your favorite place to be massaged? my back
8. Strong in mind or strong in body? do i have to answer that? lol
9. What time do you wake up in the morning? between 8 and 10 am.10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? microwave.11.
What makes you really angry? inconsiderate, impatient people in a line-up
12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?piano....
13. Favorite colors? , , browns, blues,pinks,purples, burgundy, ...
14. Which do you prefer...suv
!15. Do you believe in an afterlife?of course
16. Favorite children's book?velveteen rabbit,which you can't find anymore.
17. What is your favorite season? autumn
18. What is your least favorite household chore? cleaning the bathroom
19. If you could have one super power, what would it be? to be a healer through god's hands
20. If you have a tattoo, none...yet.
21. Can you juggle? no too clumsy lol
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to?my grandma,even though i hear her alot saying what are you doing now young lady
23. What's your favorite day? friday
24. What's in the trunk of your car? what car????.
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? neither
1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Vancouver Island
.2. What's your favorite article of clothing? my gold's gym hoodie,finally found it
!3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? eyes
4. What's the last CD that you bought? James Blunt Back to Bedlam
"5. Where's your favorite place to be? the ocean.6. Where is your least favorite place to be? in an out house7. What's your favorite place to be massaged? my back
8. Strong in mind or strong in body? do i have to answer that? lol
9. What time do you wake up in the morning? between 8 and 10 am.10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? microwave.11.
What makes you really angry? inconsiderate, impatient people in a line-up
12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?piano....
13. Favorite colors? , , browns, blues,pinks,purples, burgundy, ...
14. Which do you prefer...suv
!15. Do you believe in an afterlife?of course
16. Favorite children's book?velveteen rabbit,which you can't find anymore.
17. What is your favorite season? autumn
18. What is your least favorite household chore? cleaning the bathroom
19. If you could have one super power, what would it be? to be a healer through god's hands
20. If you have a tattoo, none...yet.
21. Can you juggle? no too clumsy lol
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to?my grandma,even though i hear her alot saying what are you doing now young lady
23. What's your favorite day? friday
24. What's in the trunk of your car? what car????.
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? neither
Friday, September 15, 2006
life with kids


Well one has to wonder,what God's master plan is for one's self.Being a teenage Mom I was faced with a lot of challenges.I have no regrets in having either of my children as young as i did.I gave up Harvard(yes i was accepted),but I look at that wasn't what God's plan was for me at that time.If I had known when I was younger about the muscular dystrophy gene I carry I would not have had any children.A few of my friends were lucky they had the support of their families I had noone,till my son was born at 22.Then two years later I was all alone again only one friend stayed with me through it all and she is now my children's godmother.She has always wanted children of her home but after trying and trying they placed it in god's hands and said if it is meant to be it will.I suffered a really bad miscarriage and thought i would never find the strength to get through till my grandma told me remember your faith,never knew what she meant but boy do i now.God kept speaking to me about helping my bestfriend have her dream come true,I offered to be her surrogate but it was too expensive and didn't want put any strain on our friendship.Which never would have happened.It just amazes me how when a couple tries and tries nothing and then when you least expect it and aren't trying you are givin this amazing gift.So if anyone knows anything about being a teen mom and doing it alone with two young children I do.Children are truly a gift from God. Another blessing is my wonderful hubby Bill ,for excepting our children and loving them. For he has taught me what family is.I am very blessed in having knowing my grandparents.I am very blessed by my children,hubby,family,friends and our church family.
I will not let love and truth leave me;I will bind them around my neckand write them on the tablet of my heart. Proverbs 3:3
Thursday, September 14, 2006
missing cell
Well what I can say other than I am really getting dissapointed about not going to cell.I miss everyone so much,however working till 7 at night doesn't help.Bill and I are moving soon we have a place to look at,tommorrow and it is a whole house.Bill also has an opportunity to work under my uncle in Maple Ridge who is a chef and by working under him he will get his red seal ticket which means he will be able to work anywhere in the world.It will take him two to three years and the kids and I are staying behind.That way Samm can finish school here. It will be hard but we have been praying over this for a long time and god is guiding us in this direction. I am scared of us being seperated for so long but i know we love and respect each other very much. we live by God's agenda not our own,so we have put our faith in God's hands.
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