Sunday, September 17, 2006

arizona and i dedicate this one too...,

Well I had a very great day yesterday.You see I was on a mission to find a new place to move to when lynne bless her heart came with me.We went all over the southside and the third can that she missed was an arizona ice tea,and we both thought is that where God wants us to move.So we continue on our travels,go to the bottle depot and guess what another arizona can.Now i'm really thinking what is God saying to us.Then we went to the warehouse where I decided that i had to have the green binder well the whole display came down on both of us,it was such a riot.I am fighting this horrible head and chest cold so i didn't make it to church.

1 comment:

Lynnie Ha said...

a crazy, hilarious, awesome day, eh? whoo!

love ya,