Monday, February 19, 2007

this is a little inspiraion from someone so dear to me..,

Happy Valentines Day From Lovely Lorie
Passing on some wonderful word's to tell yourself and others.

Practice true love of yourself.

This means no judgments of your circumstances. This means kindness to yourself no matter how far off the mark you may think you are. Stop beating yourself up. Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop counting your failures and totally accept yourself for one day. Twenty four little hours.

Everything is energy. Everything. And practicing self love for even a day can change your entire world.

The Universe has only love for you. Absolutely unabashed unconditional love. You can't go wrong. You can't disappoint. You cannot fail.

You are doing great. Really Really great. So for today, the day of love, really love yourself.

Even if you are struggling. Even if you are lonely. Even if you are not where you want to be. Stay positive. Look up. Love yourself. For as you love yourself you open up to receive what you want.

We love you just the way you are. Human and all. Please enjoy a beautiful loving happy Valentine's Day

If I could have had one more sister she would be it.., even though we are couisins.

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Thank-you Lorie I love you muchly.., you are such an inpriation to me.