Saturday, August 04, 2007

hi there

Hello there everyone!!!!

Where to begin,well i don't have cancer but they have diagnosed me with Regional Dystrophy Pain Syndrom.Right now i am on tonnes of meds which make me pretty dizzy and i am mostly on bed rest.My husband will be leaving anyday now.My daughter Samm is having fun in P.g. My son was suppossed to be home on the 1st however he is being kept till the 25th so he is very upset.He has 4 appointments he can't miss however his father doesn't seem to care what is in the best interest for him and unfortunatly the appointments can't be changed as they were booked in may.I am thankful for my wonderful bestest friends terri and jay,lynne with whom i would be lost.So working with his worker to bring him home sooner.Hope everyone has a great week end.blessings from our house to yours.I would also comment more but we are in the search for a new computer.!!!
Link: sunshine about time


Darci said...

Make sure to open your curtains and enjoy a little sunshine!

Crystal said...

Well I hope the drugs are helping, being dizzy all the time can be irritating too's hard when your kids are away and you want them at home forsure!
I hope your days are getting better!