Saturday, May 12, 2007

tagged from lynne

have you ever.....
Leaped from a tall building?: gotta get me there first
Worn your clothes backwords?: nope
Died your hair blue?: no
Danced the funky Chicken?: chicken dance who hasn't
Danced in puddles?: yup.
Walked into something in front of someone?:always
Been to Europe?: never.
Watched a Mary Kate n Ashley movie/tv show?:of course
Warn two different coulored socks to work?:that i've done
Shot a jelly bean out your nose?: uh no
Asked a guy out?: no. never.
Been stoked by a spider?: stoked? what?.
Sang in public?: yes alot of leads in school choir
Had a full house marathon?: no
Stayed up all night talking with a girlfriend?: of course.....
Painted a picture?: yes
Gotten someone else to take that picture of that cute guy, so you don't look like a complete idiot?: no...
Eaten snails?: unfortunatly with bill's profession yes
Bought something with a friend that you still have,like a charm bracelet, necklace , etc?: yes of course 15 years ago and we still have them....
Walked barefoot, when its really hot out?: yeppers
Been given roses?:yes but only yellow don't like red ones

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