Saturday, November 22, 2008

Never Judge a Book By It's Cover!!!

As time goes by and with each passing day it truly amazes me how quickly everyone forgets this.Hmm what makes me write about this is no matter what we do in life we are all judged each and every day by each and every person we meet.Our actions also give more room for people to judge.But with this judgement can come rudeness,short tempers and hurt.The one area i notice that we are judged the most upon is out jobs.Our very lively hood.Just becasue someone stays at home with their baby,chooses to go back to work after after children,or just in a job to finish school.This brings me to something that i have experienced time and time again.I was shopping the other evening and yes it was Walmart.There were only two cashiers on and it wasn't really busy, so one cashier was on a break and all i heard was complaining.First of all you look bad complaining,drawing negative attention unless of course that is what you want.Second don't just leave your buggy there for a worked to put away,don't you think they have enough to do.Third don't you think the cashier feels bad enough about the long lineups and proably has had it listening to you and every one else complain.Have you even thought about the person behind the till just trying to do their job and what kind of day they might be having? Of course not.Do you ever think of the day they might be having.Of course not.How do you know if they have a baby or sick children or if they just lost someone .Well i can answer that for you don't and you proably don't care.Now don't get me wrong a lot of you do care. We all know that nowadays we live in a society that judges and jobs have become thankless.Just once don't you think it would be nice to recipicate,"How are you today". Blessings


Lynnie Ha said...

yeah, so true.... and from people you don't expect to be rude and complainy, sometimes too.... like the worst rude and impatient i ever saw someone be was someone shopping in the christian bookstore (when we had one)... sad, eh?

Tanya said...

yes very true!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean! I absolutely hate customers who are just plain rude - just because they think they are better than the people behind the till! Being kind would do more good for everyone!