Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Have you ever..,

felt so completly alone as if noone understands you? I ahve been feeling that way alot and im not sure why?For i know that I am never truly alone.Sometimes I just want to crawl back into bed and hide under the covers for it all to pass.The struggles I am going through right now I now are going to pass with time.I know that God doesn't give me anything I can't handle but why does it always have to be at the same time?
My mom asked me just after my uncle passsed away if I believe what a coworker of hers does?9 we got to the same church)I said yes!She asked me how i could!I said because I believe.I have blindfaith and believe in the power of prayer.I also believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins.I told her i know that is is hard to not understand but how does she not know that my brother is still here with us because I pray every night for one more day with him?!Those who don't know my baby brother has duchenne's Muscular dystrophy and is only 22.I wholeheartdly believe my prayers are being answered.She has also asked how i can have peace with my illness,my son's,my dad's and possibly hers?I told her it is not in my control and once i realized that the peace came!!!


rennschnecke (Starranger) said...

i know what you feel ,
but do "carry on "
greetings from Germany ;-)

Denise said...

Keep holding on to God, never let go.