Thursday, May 29, 2008


Some days are better than others,for sure.There certainly are busy times coming up for us.The first being Bill heads back to camp on Friday,Samm has a job interview on Friday as well(walmart)and jord is hopefully heading to a summer job at the driving range.Everybody is off doing something.Which makes life exciting.Which gives me time to have a quiet house to do my courses.Life is busy but good.With finally being able to step out my dark place i am ready to get back to work and life.I am now starting to feel like myself again,gone are the curtains and blinds staying closed,gone is the frustration.I want to be able to say gone is the depression but i must be realistic as this is something that will take time.I feel and know that i am on the right path in life.I can finally say that I am ready to go back to church and play an active role again.I miss everyone and everything about our church.I miss the friendships and the feeling of belonging. Since i have been gone god has still been a part of everyday life for us. Till Sunday!!!!Blessings

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