Thursday, November 03, 2011

Thankful Thursday!!!

Have you ever thought wow am I ever going to see the light at the end of the tunnel?It has been a year since my last post and so much has happened that has made me be especially thankful.
I am so thankful everyday that the drs caught my mom's colon cancer and were able to remove it. Mom says that they got it all and she is going to be ok.I want to believe it however I just can't yet.
I am thankful for being able to have taken my Mom to all her treatments and blood work on tues and weds every two weeks for almost a year, for that is a time i will always cherish.
I am thankful to still have my brother with us for he almost passed three times last year.For those that don't know my Brother has Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy.
I am so thankful that during this very low time in my lfe I was able to build a great relationship with my sisters,who are my Dad's girls.(remarried)
I am so thankful for Gods 's love patience and understanding with me as there have been many times over the past year where I was at a loss.
I am so thankful for my many friends who were beside me everyday sending me love encouraging words, hope and just being there during my familys darkest ours.
I am so very thankful that we were all together for thanksgiving, when a year ago I wasnt sure that would be possible.

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