Wednesday, March 28, 2007

from gwen's blog Culinary Blethering


My First Culinary Meme
Most used gadget: cheese grater
Most used item in the whole kitchen: chef's knife
Last time I cooked for a crowd: thanksgiving dinner
Who had the most influence on my cooking: my grandma
Most used spice:oregano
Favourite ice cream: mint chocolate chip
Coffee... ground or whole beans? don't drink coffee so no perference
Peanut Butter... crunchy or smooth? Crunchy
Pet peeve in someone else's kitchen: clutter
Too many in the freezer:yogourt tubes
Wine... white or red: white in spring.summer,autumn&winter red
Evian water? no way switching to a water cooler soon (aqua)
Favourite fruit: mango
Vegetable I hate: Brussels sprouts
Food mispronunciation that grinds my gears: any
Favourite sandwich: club with no tomatoes
Indispensable condiment: olive oil
Seafood?love it
Salsa... with or without cilantro? without.
Carbs: limited
Please somebody do this meme, since I'm almost obsessively interested in your answers.
Labels: Culinary Blethering
posted by Gwen at 19:43

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