Why is is that we as Christians live by blind faith.I am asked this all the time. For you can not see but you still believe.I was recently challenged on this belief.After all why believe in something
you can not physically see?For me I feel at peace in knowing that no matter what I am loved and not alone. However this alone has sometimes left me challenged.I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and I will admit I cried.Then went through anger,sadness and finally acceptance.I felt at the end like this was one more thing to handle or per say deal with.I asked a friend after my brother was diagnosed with Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy at four and a half, my mom with colon cancer,myself heart condition and now Lupus the latter three being within the last three years how much more can I handle. She told me God doesn't give you anything you can't handle.I told her honestly I can not handle anymore. Well it has been four months and she was right.It hasn't been easy though by any means.Even though with all the sunshine we have been having and the recent discovery that the very thing I love must now be enjoyed with precautions. I must say though I am scared and once i admitted that the peace came
from within.
Having blind faith to me means I can be unsure,uncertain and afraid but know I am not alone.I know that I am loved.This comes with having trust.But for me a state of peace.
This has given me the ability to be so thankful for so many things;
The first for my two children who have taught me so much patience , love and understanding.
The second for my other half who has so much patience within my bad days.
For my loving family,friends who have shown me so much love and support.
I leave you with this;
Hi Tanya, I am stopping by from Women Taking A Stand.
Right now I am having a hard time believing God only gives us what we can handle. Last summer I had a total mental meltdown requiring rest and medication. And now I am just hanging on by a thread. I cannot keep doing this. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Hi Darlene..,I just want to say that I too struggle with why God gives us so much to handle.I recently found out on top of everything I too need medication.I want you to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.You will get there.I believe you will.I know this because I can finally see the light.You just have to remember in times of struggle and difficulty you are not alone,he is there right beside you.
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